114 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS previous congresses, held in Munich and London, that half-day seminars allowed visiting members more time to participate in other activities. Cosmetic chemists everywhere are invited to submit papers on sci- entific subjects which might be of interest to the research, development and manufacturing of cosmetics. Although the scientific fields which will be covered have yet to be decided upon, suggestions are invited. Submission of papers should be made as soon as possible to allow for sufficient time to select the best papers for presentation at the Congress. In order to guarantee the international character of the meeting and to establish the sound basic scientific atmosphere in which the Congress will operate, well-known scientists, authorities in their fields which will be re- lated to cosmetic science, will be invited to present papers before the I.F.S.C.C. A fund is being raised to pay for the basic expenses of such invited speakers who will be honoring us by their attendance. ACCOMMODATIONS Considering how costly and scarce accommodations will be during the period of the World's Fair in 1964, we are indeed fortunate to have the splendid cooperation of Columbia University and the use of the facilities on its campus. Ferris Booth Hall, in which we will have our four seminars, has a seating capacity of 750 for lectures and 500 for banquets. It is air- conditioned and only two years old. It is of the most modern accoustical design, having built-in facilities for all types of films and slides. The lounge is available to us for receptions and cocktail hours. New Hall, the newest residence hall on the campus, is built like a "hotel" and will be operated like one for a large conference such as ours. Our Congress will be held midway between the regular college year and the summer sessions. Nevertheless, we can count on ample dining facilities during the week of June 21, 1964. All of our meals will be in campus cafeterias, with the exception of the banquet which will be in air- conditioned Ferris Booth Hall. With 2000 members in all I.F.S.C.C. affiliated societies, we expect to use the facilities at Columbia University to the fullest! FEES Those of us who were fortunate enough to attend the Munich and London conferences and to have visited cosmetic societies in different parts of the world have been impressed by the fact that cosmetic chemists, outside of the United States, earn comparatively low salaries in terms of the U.S. dollar. Not many of them can afford the trip and other necessary expenses which will be incurred while attending the New York Congress. For this reason, our Board of Directors is undertaking a substantial fund-raising campaign within the two-billion-dollar U.S. cosmetic industry to render
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 115 financial assistance to members of affiliates of the I.F.S.C.C. other than the U.S. Society. It is hoped that sufficient funds will be raised to allow these members a free ticket to all official functions plus room and board at Columbia University for six days. It is only by this type of activity that we can hope to make the Congress a truly International one. We all must interest our companies in supporting this effort which, in the long run, will benefit both the cosmetic chemists and the cosmetic industry by advancing our science to a new level of competence. REGISTRATION FE• s Package Deal Meetings, etc. Note (l) Note (2) $ 80.00 per person $35.00 Members of S.C.C.-U.S.A. Members of other Societies affiliated with the I.F.S.C.C. Free Note (3) Members of a registrant's family 80.00 Nonmembers 100.00 Children under 12 60.00 Extended Stay at Columbia University Note (4) Free Note (3) .... 35.00 .... 55.00 .... Excluded Notes: (1) The package deal includes room from Sunday evening, June 2l, through breakfast Saturday, June 27 all meals at Columbia banquet and co:ktail party an:l all official func- tions and meetings in connection with the seminars. The "Package Deals" are for parties of three or four in a suite of two rooms (each with two beds) and one bath. Separate keys are provided for each room. The bath is off the hallway entrance to the two rooms. There is a telephone in this hallway serving the two rooms. All rooms are in New Hall, which is adjacent to Ferris Booth Auditorium. The cost per person is the same, whether four or three people occupy the suite. If only two people occupy it, the cost of the "Package" will be $10 more per person. Entire suites will be reserved only for two or more people. What few "singles" are available must be held for in- vited speakers, (2) Meetings, etc., includes all official functions in connection with the seminars, banquets and cocktail party also luncheons at Columbia following eath seminar session. (3) The Package Deal and meetings are free to members of societies affiliated with the I.F.S.C.C., other than U.S.A. members, provided reservations are ma% before June, 1963. After June, 1963, they will only be accepted provided funds are still available for this purpose. Early registrants will be certain of receivin*, this b•nefit which applies to members only--not their families. All registrants are expected to pay a deposit of $25 (or its equivalent in foreign currency) each when making reservations. This deposit, which will be returned when they arrive at the Congress in 1964, is necessary to guarantee that the members will use the ac- commodations which we must purchase for them. (4) Anyone may make arrangements to arrive at Columt)ia University as early as June 15, 1964, and/or remain as late as July 3, 1964. For the cost of such additional accommoda- tions beyond our basic six-day "Pazka==e," please consult our Arrangements Chairman, Walter Wynne. PRIORITY We have reserved rooms for 280 at Columbia University, and these rooms will be assigned, upon receipt of a deposit of $25 per person, in the following order of priority until June 15, 1963:
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