342 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS E 180 16O Elastic Modulus 14O 120 1 O0 8O 6O 4O 20- 2 strips 4 strips t ! 0 0.1 O.2 O.3 m•j protein/cm 2 Figure 5. Effect of tape stripping on mechanical properties of skin (lower leg) at 29% relative humidity. The abscissa represents the amount of protein removed from skin by the tape strips. marks of nonlinear viscoelastic behavior (23-26). For example, the water-treated trace in Figure 4 displays a slightly nonlinear response. Many of the traces shown in the work of Christensen eta/. display a higher degree of nonlinearity. For larger displacements, the slope and precise shape of the trace depend upon both
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SKIN 343 350 300 250 E o 200 E 150 100 E'--31 D + 82.5 r=.984 E'--23 D + 78.5 r=.986 50 I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 Diameter (ram) Figure 6. Effect of tape diameter (D) on the elastic modulus of skin (lower leg). Data are for two different subjects.
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