PHOTOSENSITIZATION POTENTIAL OF DEODORANT SOAPS 365 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Commercial soaps containing the bacteriostats 3,4',5-tribromosali- cylanilide alone and in combination with 4%-dibromosalicylanilide failed to induce photosensitization in 150 subjects under exaggerated testing conditions. This is confirmation of previous studies and long marketing experience that these polybrominated salicylanilides have a very low photosensitization potential. The tests employed were the Schwartz- Peck and Draize-Shelanski human patch tests these were exaggerated by exposing the patch sites to marginal erythemic doses of UV-irradiation and by having the subjects use one of the soaps with the bacteriostat for regular washing during the test periods. The modified prophetic patch test procedures described are believed to afford a good assay for measuring photosensitizing potential of topical agents. (Received December 15, 1966) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (18) REFERENCES The bane of body odor, editorial, .L Am. Med. Assoc., 197, 120-121 (July 4, 1966). Jillson, O. F., and Baughman, R. D., Contact photodermatitis from bithionol, Arch. Dermatol., 88,409-418 (1963). Baughman, R. D., Contact photodermatitis from bithionol--II. Crosssensitivities to hexaehlorophene and salicylanilides, Ibid., 90, 153-157 (1964). Epstein, S., and Enta, T., Photoallergic contact dermatitis, J. Am. Med. Assoc., 194, 1016-1017 (Nov. 29, 1965). Molloy, J. F., and Mayer, J. A., Photodermatitis from dibromsalan, Arch. Dermatol., 93, 329-331 (1966). Harbcr, L. C., et al., Photoallergic contact dcrmatitis, Ibid., 94,255-262 (1966). Travcrs, J. J., et al., Dcgcrming activity of toilet bars--Interpretation o[ bacteriological data from hand washing tests, J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists, 10,410-421 (1959). Herrmann, F., and Sulzbcrgcr, M. B., Control of axillary sweating and of body odor, J. Am. Med. Assoc., 167, 115 (June 28, 1958). Hare, P. J., Skin disorders caused by pyogcnic organisms, The Practitioner, 172, 516 (1954). Wilkinson, D. S., Photodcrmatitis duc to tctrachlorosalicylanilidc, Brit. •. Dermatol., 73,213 (1961). Vinson, L. J., and Flatt, R. S., Photoscnsitization by tctrachlorosalicylanilidc, •. Invest. Dermatol., 38,327-328 (1962). Vinson, L. J., and Borselli, V. F., A guinea pig assay of the photosensitizing potential of topical germicides, J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists, 17, 123-130 (1966). Personal communication from N.M. Molnar, Fine Organics, Inc., Lodi, N.J.
366 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Society ot: Cosmetic Chemists • 9 6 7 Meetings The Society of Cosmetic Chemists will hold the following meetings in 1967' Date Meeting Location Sept. 21, 1967 Seminar Sept. 22, 1967 Dec. 6, 1967 Semi-annual Ambassador Hotel Chicago, Illinois Americana Hotel New York, New York
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