Book Reviews PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY. VOL- UME I: THEORY AND APPLICATION, edited by Leslie G. Chatten, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 1966. 504 pages, indexed. Price $14.50. The scope of this text can most ac- curately be described as analytical pharmaceutical chemistry. It is the first volume of a two-volume series which is intended as a text for senior undergraduate and graduate phar- macy students. It deals •vith theo- retical and practical considerations of gravimetric analysis, acid-base titra- tions and pH, precipitation and com- plex formation, acidimetry and alka- limerry, nonaqueous titrimetry, com- plexometric analysis, alkaloidal assay, miscellaneous methods, ion exchange, chromatography, and analysis of fixed oils and volatile oils. Volume II will cover the theory and application of instrumental techniques. This book is composed of thirteen chapters, each of which has been writ- ten by a different contributing author. The joint authorship has an interna- tional character with contributors from the United States, Canada, and England. Each of the authors is a teacher of pharmaceutical chemistry or a related discipline of pharmacy. 385 Considering this organizational approach, the material within the book is suprisingly well presented and integrated. Only a slight tendency toward repetition is evident, and this is often justified for the sake of com- pleteness •vithin each chapter. An ample number of references are listed at the end of each chapter for those interested in further pursuing a par- ticular topic. The reviewer believes that this book provides a significant advance over some previously available under- graduate texts in analytical pharma- ceutical chemistry in that emphasis has been placed on basic theory and applications of specific methods rather than on official assay procedures in the official compendia. The text helps to give insights into the official United States Pharmacopoeia and British Pharmacopoeia assay methods but only as examples of the basic methods which are described in Iength. For individuals who have not been directly involved in analytical chem- istry, this book can serve as an ex- cellent review and provides the op- portunity to assimilate new method-
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS ology which has been added to the field in recent years. This text is recommended as a general review and reference text for those interested in updating their knowledge of analytical chemistry and analytical pharmaceutical chem- istry.--PAuI- THAu--CIBA Pharma- ceutical Company. FLAVOR CHEMISTRY, Volume 56, in Advances in Chemistry Series, Amer- ican Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1966. 278 pages, illustrated and indexed. Price $8.00. These fifteen papers of the first symposium on flavor sponsored in April, 1966, by the recently organized Flavor Subdivision of the Agricul- tural and Food Division of the ACS are in the main a credit to their au- thors and to the symposium chair- man, Irwin Hornstein. Purpose of the symposium was "not only to pre- sent recent advances in flavor chem- istry but also to bring together cur- rent thoughts concerning the mech- anism of taste and odor reception, odor theories, and approaches to fla- vor evaluation." Because the book was published so (relatively) soon, its content is current, and it should be- come a part of the library of any tech- nically trained individuals who, even remotely, are concerned with or about flavor. The first four papers set the stage in their reviews of: sensory mech anisms (Beidler) odor theories (Drav- nicks) a physicochemical model of odor mechanics in vitro (Rosano and Friedman) and taste panels (Kra- mer). Ryder's research paper cover- ing the synchronization of taste pan- els with instruments creates an admi- rable bridge to the research papers that follow: role of milk lipids (Day) fruit flavor chemistry (Teranishi) flavor components from vegetables (Bernhard) bread flavor chemistry (Johnson, et al.) beverage flavors (Konigsbacher and Donworth) flesh foods flavor (Tarr) spice and oleo- resin flavor chemistry (Rogers) ir- radiation damage, lipids (Merritt, et al.) volatile banana components (Wick, et al.) and flavor enhancers (Kuninaka). Most of the authors see the details of their subjects in perspec- tive, and the reader thereby can obtain a good overview as well as the specifics of techniques and data. This re- viewer found the papers interesting, readable, and informative. The book's index seems adequate. The low gloss paper and type size are gratefully accepted. Location of charts and tables, though admittedly chromatograms do present problems, leaves something to be desired. The number of typographicals and un- proofed formulas should serve to alert the reader. Nevertheless, the book and its contents are useful, valuable and timely, and this reviewer looks forward to the next ACS flavor sym- posium publication.--JEAtq F. CAu•- --Arthur D. Little, Inc.
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