NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC WAXES 127 TIB•, MINUTES Figure 5. Gas-liquid chromatogram of monohydric alcohols from beeswax. Temperature progrmn: 210ø-290øC at 7.5øC/min on 1.5% Apiezon L, 60/80 mesh Chromosorb G AW DMCS. Sample injection of 1.0/A •- 92.0 resort to only one method. For example, the GLC method can be used to detect the possible adulteration of a wax or TLC can be used for the in- vestigation of mixtures of waxes in a cosmetic product. CONCLUSION A combined chromatographic technique for the characterization of natural and synthetic waxes has been developed. The described sys- tematic approach can be used for the study of wax composition, for the control of raw materials, and for the investigation of finished products containing waxes singly or in mixtures. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge with appreciation the technical and photo- graphic assistance of Emil Tarangul on the preparation of slides and illustrations and Ariane Zanetti for her assistance in the laboratory work. (Received May 23, 1969)
128 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS T I1• •, il NUT•S Figure 6. Gas-liquid chromatogram of methyl ester derivatives of straight-chain acids from beeswax. Temperature program: 160ø-290øC at 10øC/min on 1.5% Apiezon L, 60/80 mesh Chromosorb G AW DMCS. Sample injection of 1.0 tzl -•- 15.0 tzg REFERENCES (1) Scholz, M., Bcitrag zfir systematischen quantitativen analyse natfirlicher wachse mir hilfe der ionenaustausch-, Sfiulen-, und Diinnschicht-Chromatographie II, Fette, Sei/en, Anstrichmittel, õ9, 651 (1967). (2) Carlier, A., Puisieux, F., Miet, C., and Le Hir, A., Analyse des pommades II, Ann. Pharm. Franc., 24, 349 (1966). (3) Hessler, W., and Samuel, F., Die Dfinnschicht-Chromatographie in der praktischen Wachs-analyse, Fette, Sei/en, Anstrichmittel, õ7, 552 (1965). (4) Miltenberger, K. H., Gas-Chromatographische untersuchung yon Naturwachsen, Ibid., 70, 736 (1968). (5) Reutner, F., Analyse van Wachsen und %Tachsmischengen mir hilfe der Diinnschicht- Chromatographic, Ibid., 70, 162-7 (1968). (6) Strcibl, M., and Stransky, K., ()ber Naturwaschse IX, Ibid., 79, 343 (1968). (7) Callows, R. K., Chemical and biochemical problcms of becswax, Bee World, 44, 95 (196•). (8) Holloway, P. J., and Challen, S. B., Thin layer chromatography in the study of natural waxes and their constituents, J. Chromatog., 25, 336 (1966). (9) Downing, D., Kranz, Z., and Murray, K., An investigation of the aliphatic con- stituents of hydrolyzed wool wax by gas chromatography, Australian J. Chem., 13, 80 (1960).
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