26 | DECEMBER 2018 DECEMBER 2018 | 27 Environmental Stress and Immunomodulation: Benefits of PolyGlucan ES, based on Yeast Beta-Glucan Poster Number 30 Tabletop Number 72 Tabletop Number 77 Strategy for future sustainable cosmetics: Natura-Tec Marine CellShield AP Poster Number 19 Oil-In-Water Surfactant Free Silicone Emulsion Poster Number 47 Tabletop Number 81 Reduction of Stress-Incuded Neurogenic Inflammation with Rhodiola (Sedum Rosea Root) Extract Poster Number 49 Demands and Challenges in Natural Cosmetics Poster Number 27 Predictive Potential of In-vitro Protein Degradation Assays as a Model for In-vivo Poster Number 20 Practicing Sustainability in everyday life Poster Number 70 Tabletop Number 73 Silicone Tools: Added benefits for Water-Based Sunscreen Formulations Poster Number 1 Water mania: the source of beauty Poster Number 57 Nectarobiota®: a cutting-edge approach to rebalance the microbiota of mature skin Poster Number 58 Investigation of the Rheological and Sensory Properties of Sisterna A10E-C, a highly Esterified Sucrose Ester Poster Number 31 Novel Approach to bringing natural oils to efficacious levels while maintaining a crystal-clear cleansing system in a vegetable derived silicone alternative environment Poster Number 87 RegenoPhyte: Improving Skin’s Youth Resilience by Shielding from Oxidative Stress and Enhancing Regeneration Poster Number 88 High Purity Alkanes as a Silicone Replacement/Extender Poster Number 69 Hydration (Moisture) Microscopy: A Game-Changer for Hydration Measurement Poster Number 60 Microcirculation mapping in skin and oral mucosa Poster Number 61 An Environmentally Friendly, Better-Performing conditioner for Hair Care Poster Number 39 Cleaning Validation and Critical Cleaning of Newer Cosmetic Ingredients and Formulations Poster Number 41 TBA Poster Number 44 Characterization and Analysis of Commercial Facial Powders Poster Number 35 IPBS-F@: fixative, enhancer and stabilizer of the characteristic notes of fragrances and flavors Poster Number 32 Eco-friendly silicones synthesized with renewable resources Poster Number 3 Thank You To Our Technology Showcase Participants Thank You To Our Technology Showcase Participants * As of November 13, 2018
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