TO ALL MEMBERS I THINK it will be of interest to members of the British Society and indeed members of other societies, to learn that Germany has now launched its own Society of Cosmetic Chemists. I have received some very friendly letters from their President, Dr. L. W. Masch. Their constitution and rules are not yet available, but I understand that they will be very much in line with those of sister societies. '. It was in May, 1956, when the plans for the foundation of the German Society were made in Brussels, and at this time, Mr. Kramer, the American Society's secretary, was present. On August 31st, 1957, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Kosmetik-Chemiker,(Society of German Cosmetic Chemists) was founded. Officers of this new Society are shown in the accompanying photo- graph. They are: Dr. Neugebauer, Dr. Everts, Dr. KeiI, Dr. Schmitt seated: Dr. Masch. aL. x:•---' ---'B v[}½ :::' ½ , -- .'-7 5 "',,..:•" ..'.. .. •717... •.4::) •:: : /----'•. .. ,'.}.. On October 16th the Society held a meeting of members in •erlin, and the Bo•d of Directors was elected as follows' 70
SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN 71 President: Dr. L. W. Masch, Hamburg. Secretary: Dr. H. Neugebauer, Baden-Baden. Treasurer: Dr. F. Keil, Hamburg. I understand from Dr. Masch that they are anxious to hold a scientific meeting either by themselves or in co-operation with other International Cosmetic Societies, and that they are ambitious enough to think of a month in the middle of 1958. If this comes about, our own Society will be asked to support the meeting and, if possible, to supply at least one lecturer. At the time of writing (mid-November), the German Society has just on forty members, a number which they hope to double by the middle of next year. On behalf of the Society, I take this opportunity of wishing them all success in their new venture. J.' PICKTHALL, President. SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA EXAMINATION PA PER ON'E THIS EXAMINATION was held at Acton Technical College on Monday, June 24th, and Wednesday, June 26th, 1957, two papers being set. Candidates must answer Question 1 and any FOUR other questions. Do not attempt to answer more than five questions, including Question 1. Candidates should commence each question on a separate sheet of paper. 1. What use is made of the following substances in toilet and cosmetic formulations: (a) Caustic Soda. (b) Caustic Potash. (c) Borax. (d) Triethan- olamine. 2. An approximately neutral sorbitan monolaurate has the following characteristics: Saponification value 175. Hydroxyl value 340. A condensation product with ethylene oxide made from it has the following characteristics: Saponification value 70. Hydroxyl value 135. What is the approximate percentage by weight of ethylene •xide in the condensation product ? What is the object of condensing with ethylene oxide ? 3. What precautions are necessary in preparing a clear lotion ? Refer in your answer to different types of clear lotion.
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