SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN 73 6. Differentiate between chemical blending (ageing) and physical blend- ing (fixation), and where possible illustrate by practical examples. 7. In setting up a manufacturing department for face powder, what equipment would you consider essential and why ? 8. Write a short account of colours used in lipsticks. COMMENTS OF THE EXAMINERS PAPER ONE The answers to Question 1, which was compulsory, fell into two categories. The use of alkalis is dealt with in all three years of the Course and some candidates gave answers framed at the lowest levels and consequently gained very low marks. Others gave more advanced answers and gained fairly good marks. Questions 2 and 3 were not very popular but were answered moder- ately well. Question 4 was attempted by about half the candidates, but was not particularly well done. Questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were quite well answered by the majority of candidates. PAPER TWO Question 1 was generally answered carefully, except that no candidate mentioned the flow properties of nail lacquer. Question 2 was moderately well answered by the few students who attempted it. The answers to Question 3 consisted more of a description of the process of soap manufacture rather than the raw materials used. Question 4 was well answered. The answers to Question 5 were rather disappointing, as most candidates related the substances to toothpaste only. Most candidates had a fair knowledge of Question 6, but did not fully illustrate their answers. Questions 7 and 8 were fairly well answered. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Mr. S. C. Allen Mr. J. M. Hustwick Mr. D. Cartwright Mr. A. Marsh Mr. E. K. Clarke Miss B. L. Reeves Mr. N. D. Gardner Mr. B. Wheals
74 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS BELGIAN SYMPOSIUM THE Soci•t• Beige de Cosm•tologie, of 17 Rue du Stade, Brussels, is organis- ing an ambitious International Symposium of Cosmetology in 1958. It was to have been arranged for July, but has now been postponed to August 22nd-23rd (Friday and Saturday) at the request of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of the U.S.A., which would apparently like it to be brought into line with the day of foundation of the German Cosmetic Chemists' Society, which was August 30 of this year. The Soci•t• intends to have twenty papers read, each of which will be translated on the spot into French, English and Germaninaccording to whatever language it is given in by the confdrencier. It is hoped to have two papers read by English chemists. Further details are available direct from the Soci•t• Beige de Cosm•to- logie. As accommodation is very difficult in Brussels, they tell us, those intending to be present on this occasion are advised to book well in advance. COLOURS FOR COSMETICS SOAPS D & C Colours--our speciality D. F. ANSTEAD LTD. Colour s!•ecialists to the soap and cosmetic-industries 99 VICTORIA RD., ROMFORD, ESSE Tel. •Romford 44216
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