OIL DEPOSITION ON SKIN ß ::•'e..: .a :i ."' .... •5' ". '2•'" Figure la. Mineral oil U.S.P. Figure lb. Mineral oil N.F. •. - - t. •'..• . ..• .... .a,.• ....... Figure lc. Mineral oil technical Figures ltt--lc. Effcct of gradc of mineral oil (0.02%) dispersed in water (40øC) on skin coverage of the deposited oil films visually defined the area covered by the deposited film. This method was used to compare the affinity to skin of four commercial bath oils and to record the area covered by the deposited oil film. This report is concerned with the evaluation of various oils of po- tential use in bath oil formulation for their affinity to skin and the deter- mination of the coverage or continuity of the deposited films. Further- more, it investigates the effect of some nonionic surfactants on the amount and continuity of the oil film deposited from aqueous disper- sions of mineral oil.
610 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Table III Effect of Type of Oil (0.02%) in Aqueous Dispersion (40øC) on Oil Deposition on Skin after 15 Minutes Immersion (Average of Six Determinations) Amount of Oil Amount of Oil Added to Bath Eluted from % Oil Type of Oil (g) Skin (g) Deposited Isopropyl esters of fatty acids Isopropyl myristate 0. 200 0. 078 39. Isopropyl laurate 0. 200 0. 079 39. lsopropyl palmitate 0. 200 0. 066 33. Isopropyl linoleate 0. 200 0. 074 37. Sebaeie acid esters of alcohols Di-isopropyl sebacate 0. 200 0. 062 ,30. Dbbutyl sebacatc 0.2{}0 0. 072 36. Di-octyl sebacate 0. 200 0. 071 35. Triglyceride esters • Triglyceride of short ehain fatty acids 0. 200 0. 073 36. $ Triglyceride of modified coconut oil 0. 200 0. 0612 30.6 Polyol esters •* Polyol esters of fatty acids 0. 200 0.011 5.7 Polyol diester of short chain fatty acids 0. 200 0. 087 40.0 Alcohol Itcxadecyl alcohol O. 200 O. 0811 40.0 Lanolin derivatives A b 0. 200 0. 079 39.5 B b 0. 200 0. 095 47.5 C c 0. 200 0. 025 12.5 Vegetable oils Almond oil 0. 200 0. 018 9.0 Cottonseed oil 0. 200 0. 057 28.5 Corn oil 0. 200 0. 063 31.5 "Supplied by Drew Chemical Corporation, Boonton, N.J. t' Supplied by American Cholesterol Products, Inc., Edison, N.J. "Supplied by Maimstrom Chemical Corporation, Newark, N.J.
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