COSMETIC USE OF NEW SYNTHETIC ANTIFUNGAL AGENT 57.0 diabetes, and all subjects suffered from frequent and abundant sweat- ing. Regular use of the solid detergent and of the talcum powder under test gave excellent, rapid and long-lasting results. As above, tolerance of the preparations was excellent. The fifth group comprised six cases of severe chronic seborrheie dermatitis of the mid-chest in adults. Systematic and prolonged use of the solid detergent and talcum powder led to recovery from the symp- toms. The sixth group comprised six eases of so-called dry pityriasis of the scalp, nine eases of pityriasis steatoides of the scalp, and two eases of tinea amiantaeea. All of these subjects, many of whom had had severe relapses or were ebrohie, greatly benefited from use of the shampoo. This preparation, included as an adjuvant with other routine mediea- ments (UV rays, eortieosteroids, etc.), was found to be a practical and beneficial topical therapeutic means. After termination of clinical treatment, the regular use of the shampoo (instead of the usual sham- poos) favored continuing recovery and evidently prevented the onset of the easily occurring relapses in all subjects. Throughout these clinical studies, the use of plaeebos as controls was not considered necessary. CONCLUSIONS The clinical results obtained in the 67 cases studied confirm that OD-507 is active and well tolerated. It may be considered a synthetic antifungal agent which is perfectly suitable also for the formulation o[ cosmetic preparations. Formulations such as those tested above have been shown to be ex- tremely efficient prophylactics against several frequently relapsing mycotic states. These preparations are also believed to be useful adjuvants for use during medical treatment of mycotic infections. (Received April 21, 1966) REFERENCES (1) Gialdi, F., Ponci, R., and Baruffini, A., I1. Farraaco Ed. Sci., 12,413 (1957) Ibid., 14, 15, 25, 216, 606, 648, 829 (1959) Ibid., 15,835, 856 (1960) Ibid., 16, 411, 509 (1961) Ibid., 18,288, 653 (1963) Ibid., 19, 76, 121,254, 356, 437 (1964). (2) Gialdi, F., Ponci, R., and Caccialanza, P., Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl., 24, 163 (1964). (3) Personal communication from Prof. B. Fischetti of Perugia University.
580 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Translations Available English translations of the following papers may be obtained by writ- ing to Mr. Robert A. Kramer, Evans Chemicals, Inc., 250 East Forty- third Street, New York, New York 10017. "Studies of the Phenomenon of Permanent Waving of Human Hair," by Dr. Hans Freytag. "Alteration of Hair Keratin by Cosmetic Processing and Natural Environmental Influences," by Dr. Peter Berth and Dr. Gunter Reese. "New Information about the Morphological Structure of the Hair," by Dr. Rudolf Randebrock. "The Application of the Analytical Methods of Sulfur Chemistry to Permanently Waved Hair," by Prof. Dr.-Ing Helmut Zahn, Dr. Tarsilla Gerthsen, and Dipl.-Chem. Marie-Luise Kehren.
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