TRUTH AS A CONSTITUENT OF ADVERTISING 233 ß A. CLEAR AND FRESH.COMPLEXION -,Dr. CamPbell's A.rSenic cOmpleXion Wafers. 'C,•-m•cq-•:,":'•-•.,i•, /•f.•.'•,•:l .a•: •hr,•½.Fd. and :.mag•ca[ m •-•rt•.L. -•reCkles, moth• black-heads, pimpleS vulg•i 'i ....... •' :.Z- ' .• ..... ".1" OWLS" My cOMpLEXiON TO" .... - "• ¾ . .• ?. x . : , ,-.,:, .,, '?=-L•..:: .• /:.. . .:a•...:q ½•., : * •-• ' ' ' ' -" ....... ':• •:• ' •"I .. 3 •{•'•' / :•/ -,,i•:'i g•..• ,.Ix'l •. -•" ' •7 .:•i•'-,' :'•}•g•'•' ß ...... •:7[ I• •6c•b•," ":-• '½•'"•1::• ' t •': ..... ', ' ':'" ' ß ' - ' •' ß ,-, ......... ......... -, ......... , .:-:::•.,l -:::':.•¾':•.•'• •'•" !• . '• v•.'• ' -' , ' - * Q..•-} .... -, •.• . *• 'r•":?.': •: :: - . ,.: . .. : -'. "•.• .•:.• T,w•.:. -•., 4 •. a .O• ...Campbell,s .•meniC complexion •- ......... 'i• .... ........ •?--..•::•F' %' •r •-, - ..• ....... •z'•'• :•-•.•, . ,. .SU,[.T:•T'iO•-DALLY TO'6, •.M•' "k .... .•t:V'•*}•,:::"::'-:S: •. :q'•-.:: ':' ' ' ..................... '-'" ' a2•'• •:: •. '. :' •::' '::. ' ............. ' ,... ,. ....... .-. ,'. . ' T"*"ia'? ..... . ..... •:2• )• "• '7 ". ........... "'"•:•:: ' ': ' --.4:,-•t•) [• •i:¾' i)• -:' '•:.•k- :•".:• ::."•z "' ' ".'-•"• '•:"!' •"' •' •'.' ":"•i'•"(••-,,•'•'•i• ...... •."/"•"-"• '""•:'•: ........ ' ::'. (':•' i': ":,," , ..... •' ..... ..•,a• : •4•.•.•: ?•,g -•'•,•,• :,"•,.&.,/'-- .' ..
234 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Lotions, Powder, Enamel, so-called 'Blood purifiers' etc. etc., are a delu- sion and a snare. These wafers are specially compounded by an experi- enced physician and chemist, per- fectly safe if used as directed, and magical in effect. Freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar redness, rough, yellow or 'muddy' skins and other facial disfigurements are per- manently removed, and a deli- ciously clear complexion and 'round- mg up' of angular forms insured." Then, after eloquent testimonials including "three thousand letters certifying to benefits received" comes this "kicker," a striking ex- ample of the blending of cosmetic with medical claims characteristic of the period: "For the removal of the above ira- and woman. Apply it daily, and a splendid head of Hair will be the certain and permanent result." ESTABLISHED 1801, BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS perfections, the Wafers were spe- cially and exclusively intended, but, marvelous to relate, hundreds of FOR THE HAIR. persons so using them have most un- expectedly found them to be an ab- solute specific in Dyspepsia, Habit- ual Constipation, Malaria, Neural- gia, Rheumatism, Loss of alppetite, Nervousness, Failing Sight, Impaired Digestion, Lack Lustre Eyes, Low Spirits, I•ant of Fitality, MaLds- similarion of Food, Headache, Hay Fever, etc. etc., thereby conclusively demons(rating the extraordinary virtues of arsenic as a remedial agent when understandingly and ap- propriately administered. None oth- ers are reliable or safe. For sale by leading druggists." In Godo's Lady's Book of January, 1886, appears this touching picture Th0 Oldest and Best in the w0rlfl. Will be famous as long as flue ttalr is an object of desire lo man anti woman. Apply it daily, amt a splendid head of ttair will be the certain and permaneut result. (From Godo's Lady's Book, yanuary, I886.) Well? Here I stand--and you ask medis that advertisement true or false ? On this back cover of Cosmo- po)itan for July, 1896, is our old friend Ivory Soap, "99"/•00øfo pure. 'A cold bath is a good tonic and nerve bracer.' If Ivory Soap is used, it is a beautifier as well." A conservative claim then, but and copy: immediately below it .appears this ! "Barry's. Tricopherous 'For the, " ans&vory ad,)ertisement: ' Hair. The Oldest and Best it• the ' ' ' " World. Will be famous as long as "The Greatest Medical Discoy- fine hair is an object of desire to man ery of the Age. Kennedy's Medical ..
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