258 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Many further studies of corroboration .of the presented theory will be required. Several among' these are: (a) the effect of climate on acne (theoretically, in cold climates where sweating is minimal, there should be less acne) (b) a close study of the psychologic adjustments of severe ache patients, as opposed to clear skinned adolescents (c) the role of adrenocortical steroids in producing beard growth, in affecting the hair cycle, and in causing fotlicular plugging (d) the value of cultural conditioning at puberty, as a cause for acne, must be examined by checking the acne incidence in entirely isolated cultures---if any such remain 22 the effect of catabolic agents in preventing or lessening follicular epithelial hyperkeratoses a check to see whether hypopituitary dwarfs are free of acne and whether giants and adolescents suffering frem hyperpituitarism have a greater incidence of acne. •3 (g) greater attention to the pharmacologic inhibitors of perspiration-- both topical and parenteral--in the adjuvant treatment of acne vulgaris. ½) (f) SUMMARY A new concept of the pathogenesis of ache vulgaris has been' thus pre- sented, after stripping away misconceptions that is consonant with the known facts about ache, and that should prove a valuable instrument in furthering the understanding and proper therapy of the condition. The basic new consideration is that acne vulgaris is a disease of adaptation, and is, in the light o• understanding in 1957, inevitable in a certain percentage of adolescents. BIBLIOGRAPHY Kooij, R., Dingenmasse, E., Huis Int Veld, L. G., Verbeek, A., Hofman, W. J., "Urine Hormone Levels in Ache," Neder. Tijdschr. Gertecsc., 97, 2261-2269, 1953. Talbot, N. B., Sobel, E. H., McArthur, J. W., Crawford, J. D., Functional oendocrino- logy from Birth through Adolescence, Harvard University Press, 1952. a Bongiovanni, A. M., and ,Eberlein, W. R., "Clinical and Metabolic Variations in Adrenogenital Syndrome," Pediatrics, 16, 628-634, 1955. 4 Personal communication, Mrs. Olga I-Irul•y. 5 Miescher, G., and Schoenberg, A., "Untersuchungen ueber die Funktion der Talg- druessen," Brell. Schweiz. Akad. d. Wled. Wissensch., 1, 101-114 (1944). 0 Kligman, A., and Ginsberg, D., "Immunity of Adult Scalp to Infection M. Andocrins," f. Invest. Derre., 14, 345-358 (1.950).• ? Kligman, A. M., and Shelley, W. B., "Biology of the Human Sebaceous Gland." Abstract of paper to be presented at Society of Invest. Dermatology Meeting, June lst 1957. s Van Scott, E., and MacCardle, R., "Keratinization of the Duct of the Sebaceous Gland and Growth Cycle of the Hair Follicl'e in the Histogenesis of Acne in Human' Skin," f. Invest. Derre., 27, 405-430 (1957). , 9 Rothman, S., "Resorption dutch die Haut ß in Bethe," Handbuch d. Norm. u. Path. Physiol., 4, 107-151, Berlin, J. Springer (1929).
THE CHEMISTRY OF ACNE VULGARIS 250 10 Castor, C. W.• land Baker, B. C., "Local Action• of Adreno½ortical Steroids in the Epidermis of•the Skin," Endocrinology, •7, 234224i (1950)] •' •' ' Ehrman, H., and Goodman• J. J., "Skin Complicgt/ons of Cortisone and ACTH Therapy," J.A.M.A., 14•, 218-221 (Sept. 16th, 1950). •2 Blodgett, F., Burgin, L,, Iezz, ini, D., G•ibetz, D., Talbot, N. B., "E•_ect of Prolonged Cortisone Therapy on Statural Growth, Skeletal Maturation, and Metabolic Status of Children," N. Eng. Jour. Med., 25•, 636-641 (April 5th, 1956). •a Lash•er, N., Lorincz, A. L., and Rothman, S., "Hormonal E•ects on Sebaceous Glands in the ¾¾hite Rat. IiL Evidence for the Presence of the Pituitary Sebaceous Gland Factor," J. Invest. Derre., 2•, 499-505 (•955). See Reference 2. Fisher, •., and Glick, D., "Histochemistry XIX, Localisation of Alkaline Phosphatose in Normal and Patholog!cal Human •Skin," Proc. Soc. Exp. t•io. a•d 34ed., 66, 14-18 (1947). x0 See Reference 2. •? In press, iV. Y. State Journal of Medicine. Jones, I•. •., Spencer, M. C., and Sanchez, S. A., "The Estimation of Rate of Secretion of Sebum in Man," J. Invest. Derre., 17, 213-226 (1957). •9 Herrmann, F., and Prose, P. H., "Studies on the Ether-Soluble Substances on the Human Skin I. Quantity and 'replacement sum'," J. Invest. Derre., 16, 217-230 (1951). 20 Rothman, S., "Physiology and Biochemistry of the Skin," Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954, p. 165. 2x Selye, Hans, "The Physiology and Pathology of Exposure Stress' a Treatise based on the Concepts of the General Adaptation Syndrome, and the Diseases of Adapta tion." Montreal. Acta, Inc., 1950. 22 Personal communication, Dr. Abram I42ardiner. 2a Personal communication, Mrs. Olga Hruby.
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