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MARKETING TRENDS The address of the retiring President, Mr. R. T. Dobson, given at the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Great Britain on Friday, May 17th, 1057. LAST YEAR I gave you a talk on the development of a new product and, when turning over in my mind a subject which might prove of general interest to discuss here to-night, I came to the conclusion that a talk on the broad aspects of marketing might be a natural follow-on to the previous talk. It is my intention, therefore, to give you a picture of the Western European market, the United Kingdom and United States markets, and show you why, in my opinion, the cosmetics industry to-day must necessarily be influenced to a large extent by the products launched in the United States. The population of any country is indicative of the potential sales which may be made and, although certain countries cannot to-day be considered good prospects because the earning capacity of the individual is by compari- son limited, it must be borne in mind that the standard of living is steadily rising in the majority of the countries in Western Europe and, with increased earning capacity, the tendency to spend more on cosmetics and toiletries, especially amongst the female population, grows also. It is perhaps interesting to realise that, while the population of the United States is 154 million, that of Western Europe is 280 million. The countries included in the definition "Western Europe" are France, Luxem- bourg, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Western Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Eire and the United Kingdom. The prosperity of Western Europe is without doubt growing, and the population is estimated to increase by 8 per cent, or 18 million persons during the next fifteen years. The area of the United States is 3 million square miles, and that of Western Europe only 1.15 million. There are therefore nearly five times as many potential customers per square mile in Western Europe as in the United States. Do not be misled by this statement, but keep always in mind that the potential spending power of the average person in the United States is far greater than in any other country. It may perhaps be of interest to look for a few moments at some compari- sons of areas, population, and percentage of personal expenditure on miscel- laneous articles, which would include cosmetics and toiletries, Unfortun- ately, I am unable to give the expenditure within each country for cosmetics, and can only show this as being included under miscellaneous expenditure. The exception occurs with a few countries such as Western Germany, Norway, Sweden and the United States, where I am. able to show as a separate figure the percentage spent on personal care and health. The difference between 263
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