348 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS (7) Davies, J. T., and Taylor, F. H., "Olfactory Thresholds: A Test of a New Theory," Perfumery Essent. Oil Record, 46, 15 (1955). (8) Davies, J. T., "A Surface Equation of State for Charged Monolayers," •7. Colloid Sci., 11, 377 (1956). (9) Davies, J. T., and Taylor, F. H., "Molecular Shape, Size and Adsorption in Oilaction," 2nd Int. Cong. of Surface Activity (London), BU 358 (1957). (10) Davies, J. T., "A Study of Foam Stabilizers, Using a New (Viscous-Traction) Surface Viscometer," 2nd Int. Cong. of Surface Activity (London), BZ 240 (1957). (11) Davies, J. T., "A Quantitative Kinetic Theory of Emulsion Type, I. Physical Chemistry of the Emulsifying Agent," 2nd Int. Cong. of Surface Activity (London), CT 409 (1957). (12) Davies, J. T., and Haydon, D. A., "Spontaneous Emulsification," 2nd Int. Cong. o Surface Activity (London), EK 400 (1957). (13) Davies, J. T., and Mayers, G. R. A., "Studies on Interfacial Viscosities of Monolayers," Trans. Faraday Soc., 56, 691 (1960). ADDITIONAL BIB LIOGR.APHY Davies, J. T., and Rideal, E. K., "Kinetic Salt Effect on Monolayer Reactions," Proc. Roy. Soc., 194A, 417 (1948). Davies, J. T., and R•deal, E. K., "Distribution of Ions at the Interface: Concept of a Solid Phase," •7. Colloid Sci., 3, 331 (1948). Davies, J. T., "Monolayers of Some Diesters," Trans. Faraday Soc., 44, 909 (1948). Davies, J. T., "Preparation of Monolayers of Monocetyl Succinate," "Research" Supplement Surface Chem., 1949, p. 95. Davies, J. T., "Lactonization of'•-Hydroxystearic Acid in a Monolayer," Trans. Faraday Soc., 45, 448 (1949). Davies, J. T., "Diffusion of Ions Across a Phase Boundary. and Three Cell Walls," y. Phys. & Colloid Chem., 54, 185 (1950). Danielli, J. F., and Davies, J. T., "Reactions at Interfaces in Relation to Biological Problems," /idvances in Enzymes, 11, 35 (1951). Davies, J. T., "Shape of Molecules of Polyamino Acids and Proteins at Interfaces," Biochem. andBiophys./icta, 11, 165 (1953). Davies, J. T., "Interfacial Potential I: Dependence on the Character of the Nonaqueous Phase," Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, 683 (1953). Llopis, J., and Davies, J. T., "Catalysis of Surface Reactions Due to Electrical Charges," /inales real soc. Espag.fis. y quire. (Madrid), 4913, 671 (1953). Davies, J. T., "Interfacial Potential II: Molecular Orientation of Substituted Fatty Acids and Polyamino Acids," Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, 949 (1953). Davies, J. T., and Rideal, E. K., "Penetration of Ions into Charged Films," y. Colloid Sci., 1954, Suppl. I. Davies, J. T., "Factors Influencing the Orientation ofco-Amino Groups in Monolayers of Pro- teins and Amino Acid Polymers," Blochem. •., 56, 509 (1954). Davies, J. T., "Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics at Liquid Interfaces," Advances in Catalysis, New York, Academic Press, 6, 1 (1954). Davies, J. T., and Llopis, J., "Surface Studies of a New Polyamino Acid," Proc. Rec. Sec., A227, 532 (1955). Davies, J. T., and Rideal, E. K., "Interfacial Potentials," Can. 7. Chem. 33, 94 (1955). Davies, J. T., Haydon, D. A., and Rideal, E. K., "Surface Behavior orE. Coli," I: Nature of Surface," Proc. Roy. Soc., 145B, 375 (1956). Davies, J. T., "Adsorption of Long Chain Ions" (1958). Davies, J. T., and Smith, J. A. C., "Rate of Adsorption at Oil-Water Interfaces" (1959). Davies, J. T., "Rate of Adsorption at Oil-Water Interfaces" (1959). Davies, J. T., "Monolayers of Long Chain Ions" (1959).
CALIFORNIA CHAPTER NEWS T•E JANUARY MEETING was one of the most stimulating on Quality Control. Chairman Oscar Scherr, substituting for Mario de Montesquiou, held forth with charts and graphs on "Spectrophotometric Applications for Control of Cosmetics." Retiring chairman, Pete Clapp, did an ad- mirable job of explaining "Statistical Weight Control," while Western Filling Corporation's Chief Chemist, Darrell Baum, did no less in present- ing a vivid word picture on "Quality Control on the Final Package." Dr. Paul Jewel gave one of his finest talks concerning the color legisla- tion and its present status. Those who attended the Feburary meeting were given a treat in an ex- cellent description of the workings of both the infrared and ultraviolet spectrophotometers Mr. Gene Hatfield, of Beckman Instruments, Inc., th • , speaker, received his Bachelor's degree from Texas Western College. At our March meeting, Dr. E. J. Karolyi, Head of Product Develop- ment and Biological Laboratory, Max Factor & Company, attracted the largest attendance, 65, of this year. For his very intent audience, Dr. Karolyi described his unique technique of detecting skin irritation at levels far below those which give positive patch tests. The method con- sists of examining microtome sections of exposed skin under the microscope. Using guinea pigs, he found that the ratio of fibroblasts to other cells in- creased as the dosage of irritating substance was raised. In normal skin, the ratio is 1.20:2.30, while skin exposed to 3 per cent croton oil gave a ratio of 5.69:6.24. Many of the substances which showed irrita- tion by this method gave completely negative patch tests to humans. The membership was especially appreciative for the enlightening points Dr. Karolyi brought out as well as his interesting slide demonstrations Applause following his talk was strong evidence of the member's compli- ments to, and enjoyment of Dr. Karolyi's presentation. The April meeting heard a most enlightening talk on the problems en- countered in present-day toxicological evaluation of both food and cos- metic products. Joseph B. Michaelson, Ph.D., Director of Applied Biological Sciences Laboratory, spoke of current practice under the new F. D. A. regulations. He emphasized that any produce may be toxic, de- pending on the method of use. Accordingly, in evaluation, tests must be carried out in the same manner as in proposed use. All meetings were held in Rodger Young Auditorium, Los Angeles. 349
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