SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME XIII Abbaubarkeitsprufung, Probleme des biolo- gischen Abbaus industriell verwendeter Detergentien und die Methodik der, Wilhelm Husmann, 416 k•,-Absorbers, Ultraviolet, John M. Knox, 119 Acceptance of The Special Award, Victor R. Wheatley, 315 Accepted Colorants for Use in Cosmetic Products, Report Concerning the Issue of a List of, 379 Acetate--A Dermatologically Active Steroid, Pregnenolone, John Silson, 129 Aerosol Hair Spray Systems, Importance of pH in Anhydrous, Morris J. Root, 300 Aluminum Containers, Protective Lacquer Systems for, C. E. Morris, 2 Analysen-Verfah•en in Wissenschaft und Betriebskontrolle, Chromatographische, Artur Seher, 385 Analysis of Household Detergents, Some Aspects of the, D.C. Cullum, 348 Anhydrous Aerosol Hair Spray Systems, Importance of pH in, Morris J. Root, 300 Artionic Surfactant, II. Bactericidal Activ- ity in the Presence of an, Chemical Struc- ture and Antimicrobial Activity of Bis- Phenols, George R. Walter, and William S. Gump, 477 Antibacterial Substances, Mechanisms of Action of, Eugene D. Weinberg, 89 An timicrobial Ac tivi ty of Bis-Phenols, Chem- ical Structure II. Bactericidal Activity in the Presence ooe an Artionic Surfactant, George R. Walter, and William S. Gump, 477 Association Reactions of Polyethylene Gly- cols and Derivatives, Charles E. Colwell, and Samuel M. Livengood, 201 v"Azo Dyes, A Systematic Method for Identi- fication of Food, Drt•g and Cosmetic, Jos• M. Plfi-Delfina, 215 Bactericidal Activity in the Presence of an Artionic Surfactant, Chemical Structure and Antimicrobial Activity of' Bis-Phenols, II., George R. Waiter, and William S. Gump, 477 Bacteriostats lie Added to Toilet Soaps, Should, W. M. Linfield and R. E. Casely, 81 Betriebskontrolle, Chromatographische Anal- vsen-Verfahren in Wissenschaft und, Artur geher, 385 Biological Activity in Cosmetics, The Open Problem of, Emil G. Klarmann, 65 Bis Phenols, Chemical Structure and Anti-I microbial Activity of, II. Bactericidall Activity in the Presence of an Anionici Surfactant, George R. Walter, and Williamt S. Gump, 000 Book Reviews Medicinal Chemistry, 111 Occupational Diseases of the Skin, 1111 The Encyclopedia of the Biologicall Sciences, 112 • Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol. I, 112 Eczematous Allergy to Balsams, 112 X-The Chemical Formulary, xv Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis, 141 Perfumes and Flavors Spectra, 141 Studies on the Technique of Skin Testing in Allergy, 142 Reagent Chemicals and Standards, 142 Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemis- try, 143 Keratin and Keratinization, 143 Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry, 251 x•/Pharmaceutical Analysis, 319 Organic Chemistry of Bivalent Sulfur, 319 Angewandte Chemie, 372 Dictionary of Commercial Chemicals, • 483 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 483 '• The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 483 x/ Water-Soluble Resins, 484 •/ Creativity and Innovation, 484 Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis, 485 Surface Activity, 486 v-' A Manual of Cosmetic Analysis, 486 • Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology, 488 The Behavior of Plasticizers, 488 Quantitative Methods in Pharmacology, 488 Introduction to Colloid Chemistry, 489 •d New Hope for Your Hair, 489 Advances in Applied Microbiology, 490 The Chemistry and Technology of Edi- ble Oils and Fats, 490 Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemis- try, 490 I,ipide Chemistry, 491 496
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 497 XAcrylic Resins, 491 Silicones, 491 vPhysical Methods of Chemical Analysis, 491 Phosphorus and Its Compounds, 491 Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Cellulose and Starch, 492 Colorimetric Methods of Analysis, Vol. III, 492 ¾Polymers and Resins, 492 Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics, 492 Spices, 493 Principles of Organic Chemistry, 493 Organic Peroxides, 493 California Chapter News, 140 Callus by Pretreatment with Additives, Modification of the Water Holding Capac- ity of, Charles Fox, James A. Tassoff, Martin M. Rieger, and Donald E. Deem, 263 Cementing Substance of Human Horny Layers, The, Peter Flesch, 113 Chemical Structure and Antimicrobial Activ- ity of Bis-Phenols, II. Bactericidal Activ- ity in the Presence of an Anionic Surfac- rant, George R. Walter, and William S. Gump, 477 Chemiker, Die internationale Zusammenar- beit der Kosmetik-, Ludwig-Wilhelm Masch, 426 Chemist, New Drugs and the Cosmetic, Earl L. Meyers, 459 Chemists, The International Cooperation of the Cosmetic, Ludwig-Wilhelm Masch, 426 Chicago Chapter News, 107 Chromatographische Analysen-Verfahren in Wissenschaft und Betriebskontrolle, Artur Seher, 385 Chromatography in the Laboratory and in Quality Control, Artur Seher, 385 Chronisch-toxischer Gefahren yon Kos- metika, Die Verhutung, 340 Colorants for Use in Cosmetic Products, Report Concerning the Issue of a List of Accepted, 379 t•,olorimetry, Evaluation of Hair Dyes Using Photoelectric, J. Callison, C. Schmidt, R. Piel, S. Grant, and W. Holland, 449 Communication to the Editor, 54 Compatibility of Lanolin Derivatives with Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide, The, L. I. Conrad, and A. P. Mentecki, 362 Containers, Production and Properties of Glass, C. Tarrant, 15 Containers, Protective Lacquer Systems for Aluminum, C. E. Morris, 2 Council Meetings, International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists, 377 Cosmetic Azo Dyes, A Systematic Method for Identification of Food, Drug, and, Jos• M. Plfi-Delfina, 215 Cosmetic Chemist, New Drugs and the, Earl L. Meyers, 459 Cosmetic Chemists, The International Co- operation of the, Ludwig-Wilhelm Masch, 426 Cosmetic Products, Ion Exchange Resins and Their Applications to Drug and, Robert W. Percival, 291 Cosmetic Products, Report •'oncerning the Issue of a List of Accepted Colorants for Use in, 379 Cosmetic Science, Recent Developments in Surface Physics of Interest to, Anthony M. Schwartz, and Charles A. Rader, 247 Cosmetics and Toilet Preparations, The Pre- vention of Hazards from Chronic Toxicity of, 322 Cosmetics, The Open Problem of Biological Activity in, Emil G. Klarmann, 65 Cosmetics, The Uses of Enzymes in, Kenneth L. Howard, 59 Cosmetiques et produits de toilett% Preven- tion des risques de toxicit• chronique pourant resulter de l'emploi des, 332 Definition of "Cosmeceutical," The, Ray- mond E. Reed, 103 Dermatologically Active Steroid, Pregneno- lone Acetate, A, John Silson, 129 Detergentien und die Methodik der Abbau- barkeitsprufung, Probleme des biologischen Abbaus industriell verwendeter, Wilhelm Husmann, 416 Detergents and Test Methods, Problems of the Disposal of Industrial, Wilhelm Husmann, 416 Detergents, Some Aspects of the Analysis of Household, D.C. Cullum, 348 2,5-Dimercaptoadipic Acid, Preparation and Hair Waving Properties of, P. Finkelstein, Du Yung Hsiung, and L. E. DeMytt, 253 Disposal of Industrial Detergents and Test Methods, Problems of the, Wilhelm Husmann, 416 Drug, and Cosmetic Azo Dyes, A Systematic Method for Identification of Food, Jos• M. Plfi-Delfina, 215 Drug and Cosmetic Products, Ion Exchange Resins and Their Applications to, Robert W. Percival, 291 Drugs and the Cosmetic Chemist, New, Earl L. Meyers, 459 Dyes, A Systematic Method for Identifica- tion of Food, Drug and Cosmetic Azo Dyes, Jos• M. Plfi-Delfina, 215 Eighth Special Award, The, 310 Electron Microphotographs of Human Hair, Rudolf Randebrock, 404 Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen des menschlichen Haares, Rudolf Randebrock, 404 Emulsion Preparations, Statistical Approach to Common Variables in, F. R. Benson, W. C. Griffin, and H. M. Truax, 437 Enzymes in Cosmetics, The Uses of, Ken- neth L. Howard, 59 "Eurotox" 322-347
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