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INDEX TO VOLUME 33 SUBJECT INDEX Additives cosmetics effects, butylparaben, perservatives, solubilization by nonionic surfactants, 297 Adsorption butylparaben preservatives, cos- metics, effects, solubilization by nonionic surfactants, 297 Alcloxa astringents effects, aluminum chlo- rohydrate antiperspirant formulations, hu- mans, 179 Alcohols effects •-keratin, hair fibers, physical properties, review, 385 Allergens cosmetics tests, patch, lack, clini- cal correlation, factors affecting, 309 Allergies cosmetics allergens, irritants, patch tests, lack, clinical correlation, factors affect- ing, 390 eye preparations, discussion, 249 Almond oil emulsions occlusivity, o/w, ef- fects, surfactants, HLB, formulations, 157 Aluminum chlorhydrate, see Aluminum chlo- rohydrate Aluminum chlorhydroxy allantoinate, see AI- cloxa Aluminum chlorohydrate antiperspirants effects, vehicles, evalua- tions, formulations, humans, 179 mech- anism of action, in vitro simulation, 281 Aluminum hydroxide antiperspirants alumi- num chlorohydrate, conversion, mecha- nism, in vitro simulation, 281 Amino acids analysis cosmetics, raw mate- rials, developments, 407 Aminoacetic acid chromatography, liquid antiperspirants, sticks and roll-ons, 359 p-Aminophenol hair dyes reactions, kinet- ics, 375 Analgesics and antipyretics salicylamide stability, suspensions, with polysorbate 80, effects, polyols, 149 Analysis cosmetics raw materials, instrumentation, developments, 407 dyes oxidation, hair dyes and tints, 97 nail preparations artificial nails, formula- tions, 51 Androstenol odors body, axillary, sources, analysis, review, 193 Androstenone odors body, axillary, sources, analysis, review, 193 Anesthetics, local butamben stability, sus- pensions, with polysorbate 80, effects, polyols, 149 Antibacterial agents sulfamerazine stability, suspensions, with polysorbate 80, effects, polyols, 149 Antiperspirants aluminum chlorohydrate effects, vehicles, evaluations, formulations, humans, 179 mechanism of action, in vitro simulationS, 281 aluminum hydroxide conversion, from alu- minum chlorohydrate, mechanism, in vi- tro simulation, 281 aminoacetic acid chromatography, liquid, sticks and roll~ons, 359 Antiseborrheic agents pyrithione zinc com- parison, triclosan, antimicrobial effects, shampoos, humans, 27 Astringents alcloxa effects, aluminum chlo- rohydrate, antiperspirant formulations, hu- mans, 179 Automation, data processing, computers skin desquamation, corneocytes, evalua- tions, humans, 1 421
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