IN VIVO CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY 101 etration into the dermis. The observation of unexpected details in epidermal cells, real-time tracking of blood cells and fast 3D reconstruction of the skin i, vivo, point to promising paradigms in skin research. These additional performances allowed for a definite explanation of the strong reflection of the basal keratinocytes: the melanosome caps acted as myriads of nanomirrors. A cascade of physiological events following sun exposure was recorded: a 25% increase in the stratum corneum thickness, a condensation of the chromatin in numerous kera- tinocytes, the suspected migration of the melanosomes via the dendrites of melanocytes, as well as the lack of melanosome caps in the basal keratinocytes. All of these events disappeared one month after exposure. It is now possible to observe that which was impossible before. I, vivo confocal micros- copy opens up new challenges in the understanding of skin optics and melanogenesis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank Daniel Good for his expert assistance in the correction of the manuscript. REFERENCES (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (1) M.J. Van Gemert, S. L. Jacques, H. J. Sterenborg, and W. Star, Skin optics, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 36, 1146-1154 (1989). (2) J. B. Dawson, D. J. Barker, D. Ellis, E. Grassam, J. A. Cotterill, G. W. Fisher, and J. W. Feather, A theoretical and experimental study of light absorption and scattering by in vivo skin, Phys. &led. Biol., 25,695-710 (1980). (3) P. H. Anderson and P. Bierring, Spectral reflectance of human skin in vivo, Photodermatol. Photoimmunol. Photomedo, 7, 5-12 (1990). (4) D. Contini, G. Zaccanti, F. Martelli, and A. Sassaroli, Models for photon migration and optical properties of biological tissues, Phys. Scr., T, 72, 76-82 (1997). (5) S. L. Jacques, Skin optics, Oregon &ledical Laser Center News (January 1998). (6) K.C. New, W.M. Petroll, A. Boyde, L. Martin, P. Corcuff J. L. L6v•que, M.A. Letup, H.D. Cavanagh, and J. V. Jester, In vivo imaging of human teeth and skin using real-time confocal micros- copy, Scanning, 13, 369-372 (1991). (7) P. Corcuff• C. Bertrand, and J. L. L•vSque, Morphometry of human epidermis in vivo by real-time confocal microscopy, Arch. Dermatol. Res., 285,475-481 (1993). (8) M. Rajadhyaksha, M. Grossman, D. Esterowitz, R. H. Webb, and R. R. Anderson, In vivo confocal scanning laser microscopy of human skin: Melanin provides strong contrast,J. Invest. Dermatol., 104, 946-952 (1995). P. Corcuff, G. Gonnord, G. E. Pi•rard, and J. L. L•vSque, In vivo confocal microscopy of human skin: A new design for cosmetology and dermatology, Scanning, 18, 351-355 (1996). B. R. Masters, G. Gonnord, and P. Corcuff Three-dimensional microscopic biopsy of in vivo human skin: A new technique based on a flexible confocal microscope, J. &licrosc., 185,329-338 (1997). S. Mallat, A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: The wavelet representation, IEEE Trans. Pattern. Anal. Mach. Intdl., 11, 674-693 (1989). S. W. Zucker, Region growing: Childhood and adolescence, Cornput. Graphics Image Process., 5, 382- 399 (1976). T. B. Fitzpatrick, The validity and practicality of sun reactive skin type I through IV (editorial), Arch. DermatoL, 124, 869-871 (1988). D.T. Fewer, S.J. Hewlett, and E.M. McCabe, Laser sources in direct-view-scanning, tandem- scanning, or Nipkow-disk-scanning confocal microscopy, Applied Optics, 37, 380-385 (1998).
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