Papers received by the Editor will be acknowledged and sent to reviewers. The JOURNAL OF
COSMETIC SCIENCE uses a double-blind review process. Authors are responsible for removing any
information from their papers that might lead a reviewer to discern their identities or affiliations.
Normally, the Editor will advise the author of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the paper
within 8 weeks. Important: Papers and the data therein must not have been published previously.
Upon acceptance, authors will be required to sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, and the paper will
become the property of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS and may not be produced in part or
as whole without written permission of the Society.
Stylebooks for the JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE are the American Medical Association’s AMA
Manual of Style and the University of Chicago Press's A Manual of Style. Authors whose papers include
figures should follow the section below on figure preparation.
The responsibility for good grammar and correct sentence structure rests with the author.
Organization should be thoughtful and not necessarily chronological. Unfamiliar or rare terms should be
explained to make their meanings clear to all readers, especially those who are not well-versed in the
language of the publication. Avoid all colloquialisms, jargon, unusual abbreviations, and be as clear and
brief as possible in the paper.
If you are not a native English speaker, we strongly recommend that you have your paper professionally
edited before submission. Professional editing will mean that reviewers are better able to read and assess
your paper. Below are some professional editing companies for your consideration*. You are not required
to use any of these companies they are merely suggested as potential resources.
• Science Journal Editors (
• American Manuscript Editors (
• American Journal Experts (
*Your interactions with the above organizations, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms,
conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations. You
should make whatever investigation or reference checks you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or
offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that SCC shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of
any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
Major revision or retyping of papers cannot be undertaken by the Editor these must be done by the author
or his designated colleague. The suggestions that follow are intended to reduce the number of revisions
and exchanges of correspondence needed prior to the publication of an article. Authors who follow these
instructions closely will see their articles reviewed and published in the shortest possible time.
1. General Format: Papers must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Office Word. Figures should
be supplied digitally as either a Word file, PDF, TIFF, JPG, or similar format. The title page of the paper
should include a suggested short title and the title and date of the meeting where it was presented, if any
Papers must include line numbers to aid reviewers in the review process.
2. Synopsis: Each article should be preceded by a brief but informative synopsis of 100 to 200 words.
The synopsis should state the objective of the research, the experimental approach used, the principal
findings, and the major conclusions. Follow the form used by Chemical Abstracts in preparing the
COSMETIC SCIENCE uses a double-blind review process. Authors are responsible for removing any
information from their papers that might lead a reviewer to discern their identities or affiliations.
Normally, the Editor will advise the author of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the paper
within 8 weeks. Important: Papers and the data therein must not have been published previously.
Upon acceptance, authors will be required to sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, and the paper will
become the property of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS and may not be produced in part or
as whole without written permission of the Society.
Stylebooks for the JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE are the American Medical Association’s AMA
Manual of Style and the University of Chicago Press's A Manual of Style. Authors whose papers include
figures should follow the section below on figure preparation.
The responsibility for good grammar and correct sentence structure rests with the author.
Organization should be thoughtful and not necessarily chronological. Unfamiliar or rare terms should be
explained to make their meanings clear to all readers, especially those who are not well-versed in the
language of the publication. Avoid all colloquialisms, jargon, unusual abbreviations, and be as clear and
brief as possible in the paper.
If you are not a native English speaker, we strongly recommend that you have your paper professionally
edited before submission. Professional editing will mean that reviewers are better able to read and assess
your paper. Below are some professional editing companies for your consideration*. You are not required
to use any of these companies they are merely suggested as potential resources.
• Science Journal Editors (
• American Manuscript Editors (
• American Journal Experts (
*Your interactions with the above organizations, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms,
conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations. You
should make whatever investigation or reference checks you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or
offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that SCC shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of
any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
Major revision or retyping of papers cannot be undertaken by the Editor these must be done by the author
or his designated colleague. The suggestions that follow are intended to reduce the number of revisions
and exchanges of correspondence needed prior to the publication of an article. Authors who follow these
instructions closely will see their articles reviewed and published in the shortest possible time.
1. General Format: Papers must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Office Word. Figures should
be supplied digitally as either a Word file, PDF, TIFF, JPG, or similar format. The title page of the paper
should include a suggested short title and the title and date of the meeting where it was presented, if any
Papers must include line numbers to aid reviewers in the review process.
2. Synopsis: Each article should be preceded by a brief but informative synopsis of 100 to 200 words.
The synopsis should state the objective of the research, the experimental approach used, the principal
findings, and the major conclusions. Follow the form used by Chemical Abstracts in preparing the