THE FIRST HONORARY MEMBERSHIP PRESENTATION ON Dv. CV. MB•.R 6, 1946, the Society made its first honorary mem- bership presentation to Dr. Dan Dahle after a banquet held in his honor at the Savoy Plaza Hotel in New York City. Presiding at the ceremony was Maison G. de- Navarre, first President of the So- ciety of Cosmetic Chemists. Mr. deNavarre's comments on qualifi- cations for honorary membership and his address leading to the pres- entation follow. "Many of you .are not familiar with Honorary Membership in the Society of Cosmetic Chemists--who selects the recipient and why the honor is given. The constitution of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists describes it concisely. I quote from Article II, Section 3: 'Honorary Membership--Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the Society shall have the power, by a ma- jority vote of the members thereof, to admit such persons to honorary membership in the Society as may be deemed wor- thy.' "You can see the award is not confined by any specific achieve- fnent, but by the accrual of many worthy contributions, no matter how long the lapse of time. "Tonight, we have a short pro- gram in which we hope to uncover to .you some of the character, ideals, 01 scientific skill, intellectual ability, as well as the capacity for leader- ship of Dr. Dan Dahle, our honored guest. We honor and commend him for utilizing his talents in the interest of the consumer and the cosmetic industry. "It is a complete surprise to Dr. Dahle to see one of his own col- lea gues here at the table tonight. They have worked together for a number of years. I hope it is not indiscreet to say that they prob- ably have socialized together too. It is with pleasure that I introduce to you a man who has been with the Food and Drug Administration for about fourteen years, serving at Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, and, finally at Washington, as Dr. Dahle's first assistant. Today, the gentleman I refer to is assistant di- rector of control of the Winthrop Chemical Company, Inc. He made a special trip from Rensselaer to do honor to his former boss. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Irwin Shupe, who will address you on the subject Dan Dahle, Co-Worker. Mr. Shupe .... " Mr. Shupe spoke from a'few notes made hurriedly en route to New York City, describing his own pleas- ant experiences while working with Dr. Dahle in Washington. Numer- ous anecdotes illustrated the kind of scientist, co-worker, and man Mr. Shupe found in Dr. Dahle. Mr.' Shupe summarized his account of Dr. Dahle as co-worker by stressing
JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS his unselfishness in the interest of his staff. Mr. deNavarre then delivered his address, "Dan Dahle, the Scientist, the Regulatory Official and the Man." DAN DAHLE, THE SCIENTIST, THE REGULATORY OFFICIAL AND THE MAN By MAISON G. DENAvARRE WI4E• TI4E Society of Cos- metic Chemists was formed in May, 1945, it resolved to have two kinds of membership, active and honorary. Within a year after adoption of'its constitution, the Society unani- mously chose one individual on whom it wanted to confer its first honor. One man stood out as most deserving. That man was Dr. Dan Dahle, then Chief of the Food and Drug Administration, Cosmetic Division. It is significant that a regulatory official was chosen to receive the honor because of the natural apathy everyone has for regulators of any kind. Even so, everyone knew that the man with the twinkling eyes, and the brush-like haircut, whose English had an occasional Swedish accent, had discharged his job with fidelity--an ungrateful job at best, for few people like a policeman--and Dan Dahle was a policeman. The kind of policeman who knows that there is a spirit as well as a letter to the law. The kind of policeman who says to you-- "Think, deep .in your heart--you know you can't do that!" If that didn't hold you, he would shrug his shoulders and say, "In the opin- ion of the F.D.A .... " It is difficult and probably im- possible to distinguish between Dan Dahle, the scientist, regulatory offi- cial, and the man. The same quali- ties of imagination, enthusiasm, justice, thoroughness, and friendli- ness which contributed to his suc- cess as scientist and regulatory offi- cer likewise characterized him as a man. It was my privilege to know him in all three capacities. Dan Dahle was born in Sweden part of his education was received at Gothenburg, and his postgraduate work at the American University in Washington, D.C. He joined the Food and Drug Administration in 1928 and was stationed at Savannah. It was shortly before that, while he was assistant state chemist of Florida, that he me• a young lady who becaffte Mrs. Dahle. Then the Food and Drug Act of 1938 was passed and Walter Campbell, in looking around for a man to head the newly created cosmetic division, chose Dan Dahle to be the Acting Chief. He was Acting Chill from 1939 to 1943, after which he became Chief of the Cosmetic Division..At
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