EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 213 forward (o a Ph.D. in cosmetic re- search. It may be well to advance the thought that someone in the cos- metics industry endow a chair for cosmetic instruction in one of our great institutions of learning or even, that the industry found and support an American Institute of .. Cosmetics for purposes of learning I and research. The possibilities are unlimited. But somewhere the job must be started. I venture to suggest that your organization has an outstand- ing interest in the matter. Why not consider the advisability of appoint- ing an educational committee from your members to take up the educa- tional requirements of a cosmetic ' chemist, map a course of instruction, define his status, arrange for the publication of a suitable textbook, and, then use your influence and that of other persons to impress upon our universities or other in- stitutions the importance of offering such courses of instruction. Can you not visualize the tre- mendous service that such a proce- dure would render to the entire cos- metic industry? It would cer- tainly enhance your standing as pro- fessional men and place cosmetics on a level with medicine. After all, beauty is dependent upon cleanliness and physical well being. In that sense you are part and parcel of that "House of Health" that the medical and pharmaceutical professions so earnestly are striving to erect and maintain in our great land.
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