THE MEDAL AWARD 97 task of keeping up with the various scientific disciplines which impinge on cosmetic technology. Paul's excellent reviews have annually brought a beautiful condensation of this literature. This has been of immeasurable benefit to all of us and, together with his other writings, must exert a tremendous influence on the young men who come into this very complex field of cosmetic science. "Some New Keys to Cosmetic Chemistry--1962" is now in press. Let me quote the eleven printed lines which Paul uses to describe this major contribution: "As in previous years, a condensed summary has been prepared setting forth the past year's yield of new data, hypotheses, and concepts which appear to bear unusual interest for the cosmetic chemist. The reports have been selected from periodicals serving a wide variety of scientific and technological areas, and the emphasis has been on basic investigations, rather than upon new applications of old data. No at- tempt has been made to present a comprehensive treatment of any of the topics included in this summary. Material has been selected on the basis of its adjudged potential for changing the concepts or practices of the cos- metic chemist." This, ladies and gentlemen, is the author's modest description of a 15-page major contribution covering 322 articles in the scientific literature! I trust that you will pardon a more detailed discussion of this contribu- tion, especially since I am the editor of the "Proceedings" in which it ap- pears. However, since it is gratefully and so well received throughout the world, such a discussion is in order, especially since it will reveal the many scientific disciplines in which our Medalist is interested. The subjects covered are: composition of the skin metabolism of skin keratinization effect of chemicals on skin hair and nails sweat sebum ultrastructure of cells metabolism of cells mechanisms of the synthesis of proteins structure of proteins binding of proteins structure and composition of collagen and elastin collagen synthesis and fibrogenesis effect of chem- icals on collagen and elastin structure and composition, formation and function of connective tissue enzymes permeability of skin mechanism of permeability effects of chemicals on permeability antibodies and allergy inflammation germicides pigmentation aging of skin effect of chemicals on aging skin biosynthesis of cholesterol structure and activity gels emulsions, etc. Our Medalist states, "During the past year, the literature of chemistry and allied disciplines has presented a galaxy of stimulating and useful new ideas," and concludes with this gross understatement, "A few of them have been presented here for their pos- sible value to fellow cosmetic chemists." In discussing Paul's contributions to the scientific literature, I would indeed be remiss if I did not mention his several contributions in the field of oilaction. He has made many contributions to this field that have
98 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS stimulated others to experimentation that has resulted in major advances in our knowledge of the mechanism of olfaction. Recently, when I was introduced to a European authority in this field, he said, "Oh yes, you're an American, aren't you? Do you know Dr. Lauffer?" and then he men- tioned various articles Paul had written. He assured me he was very well thought of by others in olfaction. Paul is, heart and soul, a cosmetic chemist. He has always had the industry point of view. In my capacity as Scientific Director of T.G.A., I have called on Paul repeatedly during the past twenty years. His work on our Scientific Advisory Committee in developing raw material standards has been outstanding. He has been a very able chairman of our Scientific Section and, has on many occasions, presented erudite papers such as: Odor and Olfaction The Sphere of Research Oilaction and Cholinesterase, etc. He has appeared before Committees of Congress to present an industry point of view, and he has done so ably and effectively. He ably represented the cosmetic industry at the hearings on an order by F.D.A., seeking to delist certain certified colors of great importance to the industry. During this "show," which went on for days, he remained objective and effective and, wonder of won- ders, really impressed the attorneys. He serves as a member of our Color Additives Scientific Advisory Committee which has done such a tremendous job, one not fully appreciated, for the entire cosmetic industry. The cosmetic industry may be particularly proud of the job done by Paul and his fellow committee members. It warms the cockles of my heart, and I am proud of them and of this industry effort. You are well aware that the industry is sponsoring the pharmacological evaluation of some 25 certified colors. Paul is one of four who periodically review, with me, the data developed. I value greatly his counsel and advice. Paul Lauffer is more than just a dedicated scientist working in our industry. Morally and ethically, he has the respect of his many friends. No man, during the thirty years I have been in this industry, is more highly regarded and esteemed by his colleagues than is Paul. No greater praise can there be. For thirty-five years he has been contributing to cosmetic science, serving the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS and T.G.A. Paul has always been an excellent, thorough and capable researcher. The cosmetic industry needs more men like Paul, "who avoid the spectacular and promotional and who constantly add to the fundamental basic knowl- edge on which the industry should be based." The SOCIETY or COSMETIC CHEMISTS iS to be congratulated for selecting Paul Lauffer as the recipient of its medal. A more popular decision could not have been made. Paul, may we offer our sincerest congratulations.
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