JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 107 NEW YORK CHAPTER OFFICERS Left to right: Chairman Elect, Henry Maso Secretary, Shirley de Ragon Chair- man, Arthur Cohane Treasurer, Herbert Levetown. The above officers were in- stalled at the November 1962 meeting of the New York Chapter at the Chemists' Club, New York City. NEW YORK CHAPTER OFFICERS FOR 1963 Chairman Chairman-Elect Secretary Treasurer Committee Chairmen: Program House Membership Publicity Education Hospitality In ter-Professional Relations Ex-Oflicio Arthur J. Cohane Henry Maso Shirley A. DeRagon Herbert M. Leverown Charles Fox Sam Cohen Steve Koch Agnes Korte Morton Scott Bertram W. Ahrens Mitch Schlossman and George Fioto Martin Katz
108 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS NEW YORK CHAPTER 1963 PROGRAM SCHEDULE •7anuary 9, 1963 The Potential of Enzymes for Topical Application by Dr. T. Cayle February 6, Z963 Makeup by L. Fishbach March 6, Z963 Transparent Emulsions by L. Osipow /lpril 3,1963 Quantitative Evaluation of Irritating Substances by Dr. L. Kligman October 2, 1963 The Use of the Microscope in Cosmetics by Dr. P. Barrels November 6,1963 The Application of Polyglycerol and Polyglycerol Esters in Cosmetics by Victor Babayan ELECTED OFFICERS OF I.F.S.C.C. President Past President Treasurer Praesidium Committee Prof. J. Artigas (Spain) Dr. L. W. Masch (Germany) J. B. Wilkinson (England) Sabbat Strianse (U.S.A.) Dr. P. Velon (France) E. Thomsen (Denmark)
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