112 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS This author has presented a good and what appears to be, a thorough survey of work done to date. It would be more meaningful if the word "many" was used less often. Bogher's contribution "Product Development and Product Evalua- tion-Areas of Radioisotope Apvli- cations," is unfortunately too brief. For example, only 18 lines (in a small book) are devoted to per- cutaneous absorption. The main weakness of this other- wise well presented publication of a symposium is the brevity of a num- ber of the contributions. Perhaps the sponsors of this symposium will hold another one bringing the mate- rial up to date and overcoming any faults in the previous one.--M. G. DENAVARRE• BEAUTY COUNSELORS• INC.
THE 1964 I.F.S.C.C CONGRESS Dear Members: The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists has held two Congresses in the past for the members of its affiliated societies. The first such meeting was held in Munich in 1960, the second in London in 1962. The United States Society of Cosmetic Chemists will have the honor and privilege of being the host society for the third Congress, which will be held on the campus of Columbia University in New York City dur- ing the week of June 21, 1964. The S.C.C. was started in 1945 in the United States with twelve charter members. It has grown to the point where it now has 930 active members, while the I.F.S.C.C., which was organized in Brussels in 1959, has a total membership of approximately 2000 cosmetic chemists affiliated with societies chartered in eleven countries. New York City was chosen for the 1964 Congress because the World's Fair will be held there at that time and will no doubt be a factor in inducing chemists from the U.S. and from all over the world to participate in the Congress. The World's Fair officials are honoring us by designating June 25, 1964, as Cosmetic Chemists Day. Columbia University, a school of world-wide reputation, located in the heart of New York City, has really gone overboard to make it possible for us to use their campus, hotel fa- cilities and meeting rooms during the week of June 21, 1964, at extremely reasonable rates. PURPOSE OF CONGRESS The primary purpose of a 1964 I.F.S.C.C. Congress is scientific. It is designed to advance the science of cosmetics and the prestige of the cosmetic chemist as a scientist throughout the world. To accomplish this end and to effect an exchange of scientific ideas which will benefit all, we must do everything possible to induce as many members as possible to participate. We are looking for a large attendance from overseas as well as from the U.S., Canada and Mexico. TECHNICAL MEETINGS The scientific aspect of the Congress will consist of seminars held on four different subjects, each occupying a half day. All will be morning sessions, from Tuesday through Friday. We have learned from the two 113
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