CADMIUM, LEAD, AND NICKEL IN HAIR CARE PRODUCTS IN TURKEY 241 independent groups were made with the Mann–Whitney U-test. p 0.05 was considered statistically signifi cant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mean Cd, Pb, and Ni levels of our samples were found to be 6.09 ± 4.26 ng/ml, 0.20 ± 0.09 μg/ml, and 1.08 ± 2.78 μg/ml, respectively (Tables II—IV). The samples with the concentrations below the limit of detection (LOD) were excluded from mean, median, and range calculations. LOD of Cd, Pb, and Ni were 0.03, 2.25, and 1.40 ng/ml, respectively. Cd was detected in 40% of the total samples. The results with detectable Cd levels varied from 1.01 to 25.08 (ng/g). Maximum levels of Cd were detected in two shampoo samples (25.08 and 17.14 ng/g). Both of them were herbal-based formulations. The order of con- tent of Cd in the hair care products was determined as shampoos hairstyling agents pediatric products hair conditioners. No signifi cant differences were found between different classes of hair care products. Pb was determined in 23 of the 105 total samples (21.91%). The highest Pb level (0.42 μg/g) was observed in hair conditioner followed by hairstyling samples (0.37 μg/g), while the lowest Pb value was detected in shampoo samples (0.07 μg/g). The highest values were found in coconut and wheat protein-based formulations. The mean amount of Pb in Table I Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and Graphite Furnace Parameters for Metal Analysis Element Wavelength (nm) Maximum ash temperature (°C) Atomization temperature (°C) Modifi er Zeeman modea Cd 228.8 300 950 - 2-fi eldb Ni 232 1100 2350 - 2-fi eld Pb 283.3 500 1650 5 μl Pd (NO3)2 (0.1 %) 3-fi eld dynamicc a The measurement mode for the background correction. b The measurement with magnetic fi eld strength 0 and maximum fi eld strength. c The measurement of the absorbance values at various magnetic fi eld strengths. Table II Cd Content (ng/g) in Hair Care Products Classes of analyzed hair care product Tested samples (n) Mean S.D. C.V. (%) Range Median Samples with detectable Cd levels n % Shampoos 30 6.89 5.73 83.16 1.01–25.08 6.51 20 66.67 Hair conditioners 39 4.05 2.62 64.69 1.26–9.23 3.53 9 23.08 Hairstyling agents 21 6.38 0.79 12.38 5.23–7.72 6.24 7 33.33 Pediatric 15 6.17 1.47 23.82 4.47–8.70 6.00 6 40 Total 105 6.09 4.26 69.95 1.01–25.08 6.05 42 40
JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 242 samples was in the order of hairstyling agents hair conditioners pediatric products shampoos. Pb content in hair conditioners and hairstyling agents was statistically higher than shampoo samples (p 0.05). With the presence of Cd and Pb at the highest level in herbal-based hair care formula- tions, it is considered that natural products are not always inherently safer for public use. Because of unwanted contaminations, herbal products can cause some health problems to the public. Approximately 94% of the total samples contained Ni at detectable values. These values were in the range of 0.1 μg/g in shampoo to 20.98 μg/g in hair conditioners, followed by hairstyling with 12.46 μg/g. The lowest values were determined in pediatric products. There was a statistically signifi cant difference between the Ni levels of the hairstyling agents and pediatric products (p 0.05). It is diffi cult to decide if obtained values for Cd and Pb are too high or low since there are no international standards for impurities in cosmetics with only a few regulations at the Table III Pb Content (μg/g) in Hair Care Products Classes of analyzed hair care product Tested samples (n) Mean SD CV (%) Range Median Samples with detectable Pb levels n % Shampoos 30 0.11 0.05 45.45 0.07–0.15 0.11 4 13.33 Hair conditioners 39 0.24a 0.09 37.5 0.12–0.42 0.2 9 23.08 Hairstyling agents 21 0.25a 0.08 32 0.16–0.37 0.26 7 33.33 Pediatric 15 0.13 0.04 30.77 0.11–0.18 0.11 3 20 Total 105 0.20 0.09 45 0.07–0.42 0.18 23 21.91 a p 0.05 versus shampoos. Table IV Ni Content (μg/g) in Hair Care Products Classes of analyzed hair care product Tested samples (n) Mean SD CV (%) Range Median Samples with detectable Ni levels n % Shampoos 30 1.00 1.66 166 0.10–8.19 0.44 26 86.67 Hair conditioners 39 1.15 3.61 314 0.11–20.98 0.28 39 100 Hairstyling agents 21 1.69a 3.21 190 0.13–12.46 0.45 20 95.24 Pediatric 15 0.37 0.37 100 0.12–1.43 0.19 14 93.33 Total 105 1.10 2.80 255 0.10–20.98 0.32 99 94.29 a p 0.05 versus pediatric.
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