ANTIOXIDANTS IN MUNG BEAN SPROUTS AND SAFETY FOR COSMETIC USE 215 Chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay. Potential irritation of mung bean sprout extracts was detected using the chicken CAM assay according to the methods of Wang et al. (21) and Bi et al. (22). 0.4% SDS and 0.9% normal saline were used as positive control and negative control, respectively. Morphological changes were observed and data were ana- lyzed using SPSS 17.0 software. Human skin patch test. According to the method of Zheng et al. (23), skin toxicity of mung bean sprout extracts (200 mg/ml) was detected with the human skin patch test. Thirty- two subjects (23 females and 9 males, 20–30 years old) were chosen extracts were applied on their arms for 24 h. Then results were classifi ed into fi ve grades according to the pro- cedure set out in Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics (24). STATISTICAL METHODS The analyses of the data were done using the IBM SPSS Statistics v17.0 statistical pack- age (IBM Corporation, New York, NY). The experimental data were subjected to χ2 tests, with p 0.05 as a signifi cant difference. CONCLUSIONS Mung bean sprout extracts have good antioxidant property. Compared with mung bean seeds, the antioxidant capacity of sprout extracts has improved signifi cantly after bud- ding for 4 days. Later, the antioxidant capacity shows a trend of fl uctuations. After bud- ding for 8 days, the DPPH removal effect is the best. Mung bean sprout extracts have remarkable Fe(II) chelation activity. The effectiveness of the chelation of the iron ions tested remains at high level during the beginning of the germination (0–4 days). Safety tests show that extracts of mung bean sprouts from 0 to 8 days after germination are safe and nonirritating to human skin. Therefore, mung bean sprout extracts can be used as potential antioxidant additive to cosmetics for a wide range of applications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This article was supported by Beijing Municipal Education Commission (KM200910011001). REFERENCES (1) S. Wang, J. Lin, M. Ye, T. Ng, P. Rao, and X. Ye, Isolation and characteri zation of a novel mung bean protease inhibitor with antipathogenic and anti-proliferative activities, J. Peptides, 27, 3129–3136 (2006). (2) A. Mubarak, Nutritional composition and antinutritional factors of mung bean seeds (Phaseolus aureus) as affected by some home traditional processes, J. Food Chem., 89, 489–495 (2005). (3) F. Lai, Q. Wen, L. Li, H. Wu, and X. Li, Antioxidant activities o f water-soluble polysaccharide extracted from mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) hull with ultra-sonic assisted treatment, J. Carbohydr. Polym., 81, 323–329 (2010). (4) Y. Wang, Study on the dynamic chan ge of total fl avonoids content and its antioxidant function in ger- minative mung bean. Master’s thesis, J. Jilin. Agr. Univ. (2011).
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