NANOEMULSION OF D-LIMONENE IN WATER SYSTEM 251 visible and the droplet size correlated well with the results from droplet size analysis us- ing Nanotrac 150 light scattering instrument. In addition, the morphology of the D - limonene droplet was spherical, and the gray parts of the droplet were D -limonene precipitation incorporated in emulsion system. CONCLUSION Nanoemulsion droplet can be obtained in D -limonene in water system by ultrasonic emulsifi cation. The optimum conditions for ultrasonic emulsifi cation of D -limonene na- noemulsions were applied power of 18 W, ultrasonic time of 120 s, and So ratio of 0.6 with an HLB value below 12. Nanoemulsion droplet in D -limonene nanoemulsion system was probably a solution for solving the low bioavailability and low solubility problems of D -limonene and thus might be applied as nanoencapsulated fl avor and fragrance systems for industry. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The fi nancial support (NSC 98-2313-B-002-042-MY3) provided from the National Science Council, the Republic of China (Taiwan) is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES (1) C. Solans, J. Esquena, A. M. Forgiarini, N. Usón, D. Morales, P. Izquierdo, N. Azemar, and M. J Garcia- Celma, Nanoemulsions: Formation, properties and applications, J. Surf. Sci. Series, 109, 525–554 (2003). (2) L. Weirong, S. Dejun, L. Caifu, L. Qian, and X. Jian, Formation and stability of paraffi n oil-in-water nano- emulsions prepared by the emulsion inversion point method, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 303, 557–563 (2006). (3) C. M. Pey, A. Maestro, I. Solé, C. González, C. Solans, and J. M. Gutiérrez, Optimization of nano- emulsions prepared by low-energy emulsifi cation methods at constant temperature using a factorial design study, Colloids Surf. A, 288, 144–150 (2006). Figure 4. Visual appearance and transmission electron micrographs of nanostructured droplet in D -limonene in water emulsion system. The scale bar represents a distance of 50 nm.
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