EVALUATION OF ANTIDANDRUFF FORMULATIONS TABLE II--HAI• AND SCALP EXAMINATIONS (INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLE) 141 A•e 40 8ex • l•te X959 I/&•r on.• flarm•ida.l !•on-•erm.tc ida.l C• •r.•) • •. •,•- (•-•-,o o• •,•-oo) ........ • ................. • ............... • ......... 2. •.e •x•e ])m•n• .................. • .................. .•. ................. .• .......... )..•e•,•t ]:•o• • 8o•.e• ......... .7. .................. .•. ................. ,•. .......... •. ½•.e•).•o ................................ .• .................. • ................. • .......... 8•cta1 • Coad•t•on •. CoLor ....................................... .bT...o•.. .............. .-. ................. .-. .......... •. •o•=• ................................... •..•...-.:•..•...•.... - ........ - ....... •. Estl•te of brittlen•ss ................. • .................. • ................. •. .......... •. o• c• ................................. •. ................... .• ................. •. ........... 8]mclflc 8ca,,l.p Condltl• •, •e•t•-- of • -. M.&---. 1• ..... • ................... ................. 3 ........... •. 8ca• 8k• Cmdltio= ................... • ............... • .............. • ......... 3. •td•nce of 8eborrhe& ................... .• ................... • ................. • ........... •. •la-nce off Trrit•ttgm .................. • ................ •9• .............. • ........ •. •l•Me o• 8•n•ttt-•ttcm ............. ..n•..•.. ............... .n•R • ............... •M ......... 6. •tl• Cm•nt (o•) .............................................................. •. •trro•rm • c•mt ............ •n .............. ?. ............. 1 ......... 2• &er•bte B•-terla Cc•t ............. .•. ............. •P• ........... • ......... •. • •. (• •,) ........... .7. ............. .¾. ............ .• .......... •. •• • • •) ........... ..• ............. •. ........... •?. ....... although this was not confirmed in this individual instance by an increase in the measured unsaturated oil. Both shampoos increased breakage over that found following the water controls. Both shampoos reduced the Pityrosporum ovale count, but only the G-11 containing shampoo reduced the total aerobic bacteria count. To help equalize the effects of individual variation, the data from an entire subject panel may be averaged for comparison. In the next table (Table III) the averaged values from 11 subjects are compared. Shown are values after water controls taken one year apart, soap shampoos without
142 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS and with G-11, cream shampoo with G-11 and an Actamer containing shampoo. There is also a data series obtained after the same subjects had used alcoholic hair dressing antidandruff preparations, rather than the shampoos. The preparations were with and without antibacterial addi- tives, and the antibacterial preparations were with and without added sulfur compounds. The preparation with no added antibacterial agent was used by the subjects for two two-week periods spaced one month apart. TABLE III--Cov•vAR:so•r or ANTIDANDRUFF AOENTS BY QLrANTITATED CLINICAL CRITERIA Water Controls //1 //2 ----Average Values for Subject Panel--(Graded 1 to 4)---' --. ---Alcoholic Hair Dressings--. •With- Shampoos •. • Antibacterial Without With- Antibacterial out G-11 G-11 Acta- With out Agent G-11 Soap Cream ruer Sulfur Sulfur //1 //2 Loose dandruff 2.1 2 Adherent scale 2.0 2 Hair brittleness 1.6 1 Hair oiliness 2.4 2 Scalp cleanliness 2.2 2 Scalp looseness 1.9 2 Scalp redness 1.9 2 Pi.tyrosporum, sub- jects, % 36 54 Aerobic bacteria count 545 496 Brush breakage, hair// 15 16 Unsat. oils, olive, % 3.2 2.1 Clinical•rion 1 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.5 2.1 2.2 1.4 1.4 5 1.7 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.6 8 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.4 ...... 1.9 2.4 4 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.0 ...... 2.4 2.2 5 3.1 3.2 3.0 2.4 ...... 1.3 1.4 4 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.2 1.8 1 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.5 i2b i7g 1.0 1.1 Laboratory Criterion 10 20 10 10 18 36 47 40 134 121 + + + + ++ ++ 11 10 8.6 7.7 11 8.2 11 11 2.7 4.5 3.3 2.3 2.1 2.9 4.4 3.9 The tabulated data indicates that all shampoos, with the possible exception of that containing Actaruer, reduced loose and adherent dandruff. The antibacterial hair dressing material, on the other hand, did not reduce dandruff, while the more bland hair dressing did. The observed findings on brittleness were equivocal. Hair oiliness was reduced by the shampoos, not by the alcoholic hair dressings. Shampooing added cleanliness, again excepting the Actamer-containing product. The hair dressings left the scalp less clean. No meaningful changes could be determined in scalp looseness, while scalp redness was decreased, following use of the shampoos and the bland hair dressing material. The Pityrosporum ovale culture data was quite clear cut. Shampoos reduced the percentage of individuals harboring the yeast hair dressing materials did not, except where added sulfur was present. Aerobic bacteria counts behaved as expected and were reduced after use of an antibacterial containing preparation. Hair breakage was least after use of the cream shampoo and the sulfur containing hair dressing material. Unsaturated oils rose appreciably after use of the G-11 soap shampoo and the bland hair dressing material.
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