DIRECTIONS TO AUTHORS OF PAPERS 1. General Policy-- All papers presented before a meeting or seminar of The SOCIETY or COSMETIC CHEMISTS or before one of its sections or sub- mitted directly to the Editor will be considered for publication by the Publication Committee. Papers presented before the SOCIETy oF COSMETIC CHEMISTS or one of its sections are the property of the So- CIETY and may not be published in other journals. Only if the JouRs^•, of the SOCIETY OF COSMETro CHEMISTS is unable to publish a presented paper may it be published in another journal o-f the author's choice. The Publication Committee will attempt to process all manuscripts within six weeks of their receipt by the Editor and will advise the author of acceptance, rejection or need for revision. The JOURSAI. of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS publishes papers concerned with cosmetics or one of the sciences underlying cosmetics as well as other papers of interest to its members. It is the function of the Publication Committee to set standards, to judge the scientific merit of a paper, and to help in the editing of the paper and its preparation for press. The Publication Committee is charged with the authority to maintain high standards in this JouasA•,. It is, therefore, not the policy of the Jou•s^I, of the SOCIETY oF COSMETIC CHEMISTS to guaran- tee publication of all submitted papers. In writing, it is recommended that the material be carefully organized and not necessarily be given in chronological order. With regard to style, it is essential that colloquialisms, jargon and unusual abbrevia- tions be avoided and that unfamiliar terms be explained carefully. The meaning of rare ternas must be clear to all readers, especially those who are not well-versed in the language of the publication. Verbose and repetitive style must be avoided. Clarity and brevity are essential to make the text intelligible and to save readers' time. The JOURNAL of the SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS iS not a news journal. It is a scientific publication. Hence it i• categorical that all experiments be described so that they can be repeated by a qualified person without further research or correspondence with the author. The responsibility for good grammar and correct sentence structure rests with the author. The Publication Committee will assist foreign 157
158 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS authors with minor changes in text to bring it into good English usage. Alternately, foreign authors may get aid from a qualified colleague in the United States to approve revisions and to correct meaning and intent wherever necessary. Major revisions and retyping of manuscript cannot be done by the Committee but must be done by the author or his designated c611eague. The rules and regulations to the author indicated below are made in an effort to insure speedy publication and review by the Publication Com- mittee. Close adherence to these rules will reduce the amount of correspondence between the Editor and the author. Authors are re- quested to review these notes and to avoid delay and disappointment. 2. Copyri•,ht-- Manuscripts and the data therein should not have been published previously. Upon acceptance by the Publication Committee, the manuscript becomes the property of the SOCIETY of COSMETIC CHEMISTS and may not be reproduced in part or as a whole without written permission of the Editor. 3. Forwarding, Address-- Manuscripts for publication should be addressed to the Editor, Dr. M. Rieger, 201 Tabor Road, Morris Plains, N.J. 4. Preparation of Manuscript (a) Format: A clean manuscript should be submitted in duplicate, a first or ribbon copy and a carbon copy on 81/2 X 11" (22 X 28 cm.) paper. The title of the manuscript should include the author's name, followed by his address and affiliation. In the case of co- authors, addresses of all contributors should be included. Each article should be preceded by a brief abstract of not more than 100 to 200 words. This abstract should include the perti- nent new discoveries and conclusions which are presented in the article. (b) References: References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and should be listed in numerical order at the end of the article under "References." Abbreviations of jour- nals should be those used by Chemical zfbstracts (cf. List of Periodi- cals, abstracted by Chemical Abstracts). In order to reduce the amount of punctuation necessary, it is requested that the author's initials precede his name. The name of the journal shall be given in italics, i.e., it should be underlined once in the typewritten manu- scripts. The volume number shall be given in bold face type, i.e., underlined with a wavy line in the manuscript. Book references should contain the name of the author, title (in italics), publisher and place and year of publication. If a book is written by various
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