BOOK REVIEWS SADTLER STANDARD SPECTRA FATS, WAXES AND DERIVATIVES, Vols. I and II. Sadtler Research Labo- ratories, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 650 Spectra. 1962. Price $325. These two volumes have been completely updated to include the many new materials developed in the last ten years. Each infrared spectrogram includes the chemical or trade name, source, scanning from 2.0 to 15 microns, type of cell or special method used, index num- ber and often the instrument used in obtaining the results. The materials tested are divided into 16 groups, such as fatty acids, animal fats, soaps, fatty amides, and others along with seven groupings of waxes. One finds such natural materials as lanolin, bees- wax, candelilla and carnauba wax also included are derivatives like Cobee edible coconut oil, Viscolan, Hartolan, Wecoline 1245, Arlacel 165, Myverol monoglycerides, Tegin, the Armeens, the Adols, Eutanol G, Acetulan, wool alcohols, Warco waxes, Hoechst waxes, Centrol lecithins, squalene and the many others. This reference library is a help to infrared technicians in making available the transmission spectra of a wide variety of mate- rials encountered in cosmetic prac- tice without the manual effort in doing the work. At a cost of about $0 cents per spectrogram, y. ou can- not do it for yourself so inexpen- sively. The spectrograms are printed on one side of a sheet 81/2 by 11 inches in size, with three-hole perforations. 161 The sets are sold in three ring binders for easy use and storage. This reviewer has found the mate- rial of infinite practical value, as you will if you do infrared analysis. Other related spectra are avail- able. New material is constantly being added. Special material is available by arrangement.--M. G. DENAVARRE, Beauty Counselors, Inc. AUTOXIDATION AND ANTIOXIDANTS, Vol. I, by W. O. Lundberg. Inter- science Publishers, Div. John Wiley & Sons, New York 1, N.Y. !961. 450 pages, indexed and illustrated. Price $15.50. This volume consists of ten chap- ters contributed by a group of 12 authors, each a specialist in a spe- cific field of autoxidation and anti- oxidation chemistry. Volume I is strictly a theoretical treatise with a thorough analysis of various reactions involved and is illustrated with numerous tables, formulas and graphs. The subjects discussed include: The general mechanism of autox- idation Primary products of olefinic autox- idation Autoxidation of hydrocarbons ac- celerated by metals and. light Autoxidation of organic sub- stances and classified into such groups as ethers, amines, al- dehydes, ketones, etc. Autoxidation of cholesterol Photochemical autoxidation Autoxidation of irradiated sub- stances
162 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Biocatalysts inducing autoxida- tion Chemical analysis of autoxidation mixtures The analytical chapter includes both discussions and analytical pro- cedures for the determination of peroxides, oxirane compounds hy- droxyl, ca. rbonyl and ether radicals, unsaturat•on, and the use of spectro- photometry in this field. The discussion covering antioxi- dants should be helpful in the choice of an antioxidant for a specific problem, although the practical aspects and application of such com- pounds will be given in Volume II. The information compiled in this volume provides a unified source of reference for those engaged in re- search connected with autoxidation and antioxidation. This book is well written, ar- ranged and indexed.--J^Mws H. B^}cwR, Gar-Baker Laboratories, Inc.
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