DIRECTIONS TO AUTHORS OF PAPERS 159 contributors, the author's name should be given first, followed by that of the editor. J. H. Kay and |. C. Calan&a, y. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists, 13, 281 (1962). S. Rothman, Physiology and Biochemist,•y of the Skin, The University of Chi- cago Press, Chicago, Ill., 1954. A. Rich and F. H. C. Crick, in G. Stanisby, Recent ,4dvances in Gelatin and Glue Research, Pergamon Press Ltd., London, 1959. (c) ./lbbreviations: If at all possible, the metric system should be used throughout. All abbreviations, such as cm., m., kin., ml., 1., rag., g., etc., must be followed by periods. It is recommended that unusual notations, such as milligram per cent (rag. %) or p.p.m., be avoided. Instead, it is recommended that rag./100 g. or mg./kg. be used. The abbreviation for centigrade is C, not "C.". (d) Trade Names: A trade name must be followed by the sign "©." This should be followed by an asterisk, which refers to a footnote which identifies the owner of the trade mark and any other informa- tion desired by the author. (e) Structural Formulas: Structural formulas should be used only if absolutely necessary and if the chemical in question is not well known to the reader. Structural formulas should be numbered and referred to in the text by Roman numerxls. (f) Tab/es: Tables should be numbered consecutively, using Roman numerals. (g) Illustrations: All illustrations are acceptable except that the JOUR- NAL cannot reproduce multi-colored material. Illustrations should therefore be in black and white, on glossy paper, having a size about two to three times that which will appear in the Jou•tN^L. Each illustration, figure or graph should be numbered, using Arabic num- bers, and have a legend which, preferably, should be typed on a separate sheet of t)aper and submitted with the drawing. 5. Galley ProofwGalley proofs will be sent to the authors for careful corrections. Proofs should be verified against the manuscript. The Publication Committee will not accept this responsibility. Mailing in- structions for the return of the manuscript and/or proofs within three days after receipt will accompany the proofs. Alterations in an article after it has been set in type are made at the author's expense, and it is understood that any such alterations shall be charged to the author. Any material set in type but ordered withdrawn from publication by the author must also be paid for by the author. 6. ReprintsraThe senior author of each paper will automatically receive 25 over-run reprints free of charge. Additional reprints must be ordered at the time the galley proofs are returned.
160 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS NEW MEMBERS Baude, Jean-Paul E., 97-06 Sixty-ninth Ave., Forest Hills 75, L. I., N.Y. Blair, Rhio H., 332 S. Arnaz Dr., Los Angeles 48, Calif. Cadicamo, Paul A., Jr., 47 W. Nine- teenth St., Deer Park, L. I., N.Y. Drakott, Raymond, 825 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. Graham, Dr. Claire E., 2000 P St., N. W., Washington 6, D.C. Groves, David B., Leonard Dr., R. F. D., Southborough, Mass. Hansen, Kenneth R., 35 Hawthorne Ave., Staten Island 14, N.Y. Kenney, Mrs. Dolores E., 2309 Wilson Ave., W., Chicago, 21, I11. Marchuk, Euphemia, 1641 S. Harlem Ave., Berwyn, I11. Maruszewski, Adolph A., 511 Avenue F., Matamorra 5, Pa. Mead, William J., 48 Lenox Terrace, West Orange 1, N.J. Mintzer, Harvey I., 23 Mencel Circle, Bridgeport 10, Conn. Osipow, Lloyd I., 101 W. Twelfth St., New York, N.Y. Palm, Dr. Paul E., 20 Harding Rd., Lexington, Mass. Reed, Allen B., Jr., 30 Hyacinth Rd., Levittown, Pa. Rich, Dr. Arthur G., 1530 E. Eighteenth St., Brooklyn 30, N.Y. Stanton, Mrs. Bettie, 809 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, N.J. Warde, Fleetwood H., 683 A Shaler Blvd., Ridgefield, N.J.
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