Book Reviews DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE, VOL. I: BASXC CONCEPTS or DMSO, Edited by Stan- ley W. Jacob, Edward E. Rosen- baum, and Donald C. Wood. Mar- cel Dekker, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10016, 1970. 477 pages. This volume represents the first of two which will form a basic source book for all scientific disciplines on the potential properties and uses of DMSO. Until relatively recently, DMSO was a laboratory curiosity used primarily as a tissue preserva- tive. It is startling to note how rap- idly the literature concerned wi,th DMSO has grown, and this book represents a superb introduction to this complex subject. This volume includes 13 chapters from an impressive list of contribu- tors and an additional section sum- marizing the individual bibliogra- phies. The predominant tbeme in most chapters dealing wi,th the physi- ological properties of DMSO is its ability to penetrate membranes and to facilitate membrane transport. DMSO evidently has bacteriostatic properties, but its primary effect on microbiological systems is again its ability to facilitate access of the anti- 679 microbial moiety to the microorga- nism. The fact the DMS0 even per- mits penetration of low molecular weight polypeptides through the skin holds great potential for im- munization with inactivated bac- teria, as through the mucosa. With regard to the utility of DMS0 in dermatology, this reviewer must agree with Dr. Cortese, who in- dicates that DMS0 in itself does not possess remedial properties but that it appears to be a vehicle for the transport of dermatological medica- tions into and through intact skin. As is the case with most books made up of chapters by various au- thors, some repetition does occur. The book is surprisingly free of typo- graphical errors, and chapters are well organized. This book is not for leisurely reading but is primarily a reference volume which should prove valuable to those interested in DMSO. Even the most casual reader will be impressed by the many pharma- cological activities which DMSO is reported to exhibit. Evidently, ve.ry few human clinical studies utilizing DMSO or combinations of DMSO
680 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS with other medications are in prog- in the U.S. at the moment. It is unfortunate indeed that FDA regu- lations make clinical investigations of this most interesting compound with likely poten, tial in health care almost impossible.--M. M. RIEaER-- Warner-Lambert TECHNIQUES OF CHEMISTRY, 3RD ED., VOL. II. ORGANIC SOLVENTS. PHYSI- CAL PROPERTIES AND METHODS OF PURIFICATION, by John A. Riddick and William B. Bunget, on the basis of the 1st Ed. by Arnold Weissburger and Eric S. Prosskaver and the com- pletely revised 2nd Ed. by John A. Riddick and Emory E. Toops, Jr. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., 1970. XIII + 1041 pages, indexed. Price $24.95. The name of the series has been changed from Techniques of Organic Chemistry to Techniques of Chemis- try to reflect usage of many of the cited methods in all branches of chemical sciences, thus making divi- sions of techniques for organic and inorganic chemistry increasingly arti- ficial. This book is a revised and ex- panded edition of the two previous editions published in 1935 and 1955. The format is similar to the 1955 edi- tion. The objectives remain the same-to present reliable physical data, criteria of purity, and methods of purification for a wide variety of organic solvents for use as a guide in the selection of a solvent for a par- ticular purpose. Chapter I classifies the 354 (com- pared to 157 and 254 in the 1st and 2nd editions) solvents described ac- cording to functional groups. Chap- ter II is a discussion of the physical properties reported and their cri- teria for selection. Chapter III is the tabulation of these physical prop- erties which include boiling and freezing points and constants, vapor pressures, densities, refractive in- dices, viscosities, surface tensions, heats of vaporization, critical con- stants, heat capacities, optical activi- ties, acid-base constants, electrical properties, flash points, and spec- troscopic data (uv, it, Raman, mnr). Chapters IV and V are good dis- cussions of criteria of purity, drying and determination of water, and purification methods. Chapter VI is the bibliography listing 5358 ref- erences including several from 1968. The index is well organized and eas- ily utilized. Correct chemical nomenclature as well as common and commercial names are used. The text is well written, tables are very clear, and typographical errors are very few. This book is a valuable reference for a wide range of technical personnel and laboratories.--PHILLIP E. SOKOL --The Gillette Company
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