JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 883 Gamma radiation for product sterilization, 711 Gas bubble formation in cosmetics, mecha- nisms and control of, 323 Gels, application of semi- and wholly syn- thetic polymers in, 27 Generation, internal, of gas bubbles, mecha- nisms and control of, 323 Goniospectrophotometer, in study of optical characteristics of nacreous and interfer- ence pigments, 161 Grafting of skin, heterotopic and other, to unnatural sites, for study of its regional differences, 109 Gums, Acacia, recent advances in chemistry of, 61 guar, sources, chemistry, physical proper- ties, uses, and applications of, 43 natural, displacement of, by send- and wholly synthetic polymers, 27 Guinea pig, hair follicle of, in studies of hair growth rate, 701 model system for investigation of dandruff on, 187 Hair, chemical aspects of bleaching of, 339 coloring of, with semipermanent dyes, 379 containing synthetic polymer, reactions of metal salts with, 179 development and growth of, influence of derreal papilla, 741 (lyes for, purification of nitro intermedi- ates used in, 139 elasticity and tensile properties of, light radiation effects, 667 extraction of lipid from, 681 fibers containing synthetic polymer, ionic reactions of, 579 follicle of guinea pig in studies of hail' growth rate, 701 follicles, influence on percutaneous ab- sorption, 523 influence of hydrogen peroxide on chemi- cal structure of, 795 scanning electron microscopy of, 477 structure of, and physicochemicat propel'- ties of cuticle, 839 virgin and treated, oscillating beam method for study of mechanical propel'- ties of, 401 Hair sprays, aerosol, application of semi- and wholly synthetic polymers in, 27 objective and subjective methods for eval- uation of, 287 Hazards to skin from radioactive contamina- tion, 535 Head space analysis and analysis of odorifer• ous vapors, 3 Hexachlorophene and triclocarban mixture, labeled, in soap, for measurement of ac- cumulation and persistence of antibac- terial agents in human skin, 369 Hydroboronation of carene, 249 Hydrogen peroxide, influence of, on chemi- cal structure of human hair, 795 Hydrogenation of carene, 249 Impurities in hair dye intermediates, elimi- nation of, 139 Indamine dyes, for coloring hulnan hair, 379 Indophenol dyes, for coloring human hair, 379 Interfacial tension, benzene/water, effects of ethoxy cholesterols on, 201 Ionic reactions of keratin fibers containing synthetic polymer, 579 Ionones and derivatives, chemistry, natural occurrence, and biological origin of, 439 Irritation tcsts, predictive, with surfactants, comparison on human and animal skin, 411 Keratin, fibers containing synthetic polymer, ionic reactions of, 579 fingernail, effect of reducing agents on, 571 in hair, and physicochelnical properties of cuticle, 839 human hair, oscillating beam method for determining elastic modulus and loss modulus in fibers of, 401 Keratinase use in isolation of subcellular components froin human epidermis, 95 Lanolin, water absorption properties of, 421 Lead in cosmetics, fast analysis of trace amounts by atomic absorption spectro- photometry, 589 Light radiation, ultraviolet and sunlight, ef- fects on elasticity and tensile properties of hunran hair, 667 Lipids, extraction of, from hair clippings, 681 mixture, and scalp organisms in model system for dandruff investigation, 187 of skin surface, amount and composition of, 783 thermal disorder in, and interaction with water, 505 Macromolecules, effects on rates of photo- chemical reactions of dyes and drugs, 83 Maleic anhydride and methyl vinyl ether copolymers, application in cosmetic gels, creams, and aerosol hair sprays, 27 Manufacturing techniques for pressed pow- der cosmetics, 599 Metal salts, reactions with human hair fibers containing synthetic polymer, 179 Methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride co- polymers, application in cosmetic gels, creams, and aerosol hair sprays, 27 Microcrystals of polymers, colloidal, as new compositions for cosmetics, 561 Microorganisms, assimilation of selected cos- roetic ingredients by, 851 Microscopy, electron, scanning, of hair, skin, and tooth surfaces cystine distribution in hair identification of Pityrosporum ovale and examination of internal structure of human comedo, 477 Moisture, transepidermal loss of, in vivo measurement of, 361
884 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Nitro intermediates in hair dyes, purifica- tion of, by recrystallization, 139 Occlusive thickness of product in measure- ment in vivo of transepidermal moisture loss, 361 Odors, gas-liquid cliromatography of, 3 and optical activity, optical antipodes for oilactive testing, 15 Oils, components in cosmetics, value for practical application, 303 essential, terpenoid, biosynthesis of, 231 Optical activity, discrimination by human olfactory system of optical antipodes of odorous compounds, 15 Optical characteristics of nacreous and in- terference pigments, instrumental study, 161 Organisms on scalp, and lipid mixture, in model system for dandruff investigation, 187 Oscillating beam method for study of me- chanical properties of virgin and treated human hair fibers, 401 Oxidation of carene, 249 Papilla, derreal, of hair follicle, and develop- ment and growth of hair, 741 Particles, size distribution, of aerosol cos- metics, determination using Cascade Im- pactor and fiuoro•netric and weight-by- difference methods, 867 Pearlescence, instrumental study of optical characteristics of nacreous and interfer- ence pigments, 161 Penetration of agents in skin, biophysical factors affecting, 615 Perfumes, encapsulated, in aerosol products, 655 Permeability barrier of fetal skin, 119 Phosphonium chloride, tetrakis(hydroxy- methyl)-, effect of, as reducing agent on fingernail keratin, 571 Photochemical isomerization of carene, 249 Photochemical reactions involving dyes and drugs, influence of polymers and sur- factants on rates of, 83 Physicochemical properties of cuticle and correlation to structure of hair, 839 Pigments, nacreous and interference, instru- mental study of optical characteristics of, 161 Plants, radiation, for sterilization of prod- ucts, operation and process control, 711 Polarography in study of influence of hydro- gen peroxide on chemical structure of human hair, 795 Polymers, colloidal, microcrystals of, as new compositions for cosmetics, 561 effects on rates of photochemical reactions of dyes and drugs, 83 evolution of, from natural to synthetic, 27 in hair sprays, objective and subjective methods for evaluation of, 287 synthetic, ionic reactions of keratin fibers containing, 579 synthetic, reactions of metal salts with hu- man hair containing, 179 Powders, pressed, trends in technology, 599 Predictive testing for safety of cosmetics, problems involved, 349 Pressing techniques for pressed powder cos- metics, 599 Probability in statistician's approach to sen- sory restie, g, 211 Product development, objective and subjec- tive •nethods for evaluation of hair sprays, suitability of, 287 Profitability of research and development, use of consumer research for increase of, 549 Purification, by recrystallization of nitro in- termediates for permanent hair colors, 139 Pyrolysis of carene, 249 Radiation, gamma, for product sterilization, 711 ultraviolet and sunlight, effects on elas- ticity and tensile properties of human hair, 667 Radioactive contamination of skin, 535 Radioactivity, in measurement of accumula- tion and persistence of antibacterial agents in human skin, 369 Recrystallization, in purification of nitro in- termediates for permanent hair colors, 139 Reducing agents, effects of ammonium bi- sulfite, dithiothreitol, ammonium thio- glycolate, and tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)- phosphonium chloride on fingernail ker- atin, 571 Research and development, use of consumer research to increase profitability of, 549 Rheological ground states of semisolids, 487 Rodents, transplantation of skin of, to un- natural sites, for study of its regional differences, 109 Rose, analysis of odoriferous vapors of, 3 Safety evaluation of toiletties and cosmetics, test procedures, 349 Scalp, organisms, in model system for dan- druff investigation, 187 yeast, Pityrosporum ovale, identification of, by scanning electron microscopy, 477 Scoring system, for measurement of cleaning efiScacy of dentifrices on extrinsic tooth stains, 457 Sebaceous glands, esterase secretion by, 777 influence on percutaneous absorption, 523 physiology and pathophysiol. ogy of, 783 Eebum, importance in prevention of desicca- tion of skin, 769 Semisolids, evaluation of theological ground states of, 487 Sensory testing, statistician's approach, 211 Skin, appendages, derreal-epidermal interac- tions in development and growth of, 741 appendages, role of, in percutaneous ab- sorption, 523
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