364 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS ii. Indirect Measurement From the photographs of the cross-sections, the major axis (longest "diameter") was selected, and the minor axis was the line bisecting the major axis. Ellipticity Index = Major Axis Minor Axis For each beard or scalp hair sample type at least twelve cross-sections were prepared (six fibers each from two individuals) for this purpose. Figure 2. Transmission electron micrographs of Caucasian beard and scalp hair cross-sections of the same subject. Magnification 915 x.
COMPARISON OF BEARD AND SCALP HAIR 365 Figure 5. Transmission electron micrographs of Caucasian beard and scalp hair cross-sections of the same subject. Magnification 915 x. c. Cross- Sectional Area Measurement Cross-sections of hair fibers, magnified 300x on photographs, were traced with a planimeter for area determination. For each beard or scalp hair type, measurements of at least 12 cross-sections were taken (six fibers each from two individuals). 5. Transmission Electron Microscopy ( TEM ) Intact scalp and beard hairs were placed in flat silicon rubber molds and embedded in Durcupan © Fluka Epoxy resin at 60øC. Prior to embedment, the hairs were oriented for
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