Figuce 14. Transmission electron micrograph of •ucasian board hair cross-so.ion showing mdanin medulla. Magnification 91•x. Figure 15. Transmission electron micrographs showing melanin in the cuticle, cortex and medulla of Chinese scalp hair. ME: Melanin CO: Cortex.
COMPARISON OF BEARD AND SCALP HAIR 379 Table VI Amino Acid Contents of Caucasian Scalp Hair and Beard Hair (micromoles/g) Type of Amino Acid Scalp Hair a Beard Hair b Cysteic Acid 30 19 Aspartic Acid 431 463 Threonine 539 484 Serine 1,121 971 Glutamic Acid 997 964 Proline 615 634 Glycine 448 452 Alanine 345 354 Half Cystine 1,170 963 Valine 363 322 Methionine 31 30 Isoleucine 152 162 Leucine 456 468 Tyrosine 112 128 Phenylalanine 90 98 Lysine 247 285 Histidine 56 60 NH 3 797 777 Arginine 586 552 •Bulk hair from De Meo Brothers. bBulk hair from ten subjects. Duplicate evaluations, variations about + 10%. 25 20 ß ß Sc•lp i I i i i 100 150 200 250 300 Time (minutes) Figure 16. Rate of solubilization of Caucasian scalp and beard hair in urea-bisulfite solution. Triplicate analysis on bulk hair.
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