QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF COMBING FORCE 775 Figure 1. Apparatus used to measure combing force each tress was used as its own control. For wet combing, the method was as follows: A tress weighing about 2.75 g* was prepared from dark brown Euro- pean hair.* The tress was washed in a 15% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) solu- tion, rinsed, rewashed, thoroughly rerinsed to remove all traces of SLS, and combed to remove all tangles. The combing force was then measured 5 times, the tress rinsed again briefly with distilled water, the combing force remeas- *All weights reported have been corrected for the weight of the dowel and rubber band. •Purchased from either De Meo Brothers or Alfred Klugman, Inc., both of New York City.
776 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS STRAIN ! GAUGE I I,•i , i,i T R E S S---- I',•l,',,•l•t FIXED COMB Figure 2. Schematic diagram of combing force apparatus Figure 3. Close-up view of tress prior to insertion of its strands between the comb teeth ured 5 times, the tress rerinsed, etc., until up to 25 measurements were made. The tress was treated with the test material and then combed extensively to ensure the even distribution of the latter throughout the tress. For certain
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