284 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS •ashing rinsing to•el blo• deying deying 8øø f 600 400 2OO 0 o ' POES(HLB=4.6) b., AI•IS (S•702C) h 2' ','' •'•.. : •&^ _ ,. ] :! '-•' v '\ :. _ '"'%/- ,-,,-•--,,./,. v•,,v : VVXd _/••22x10 ß I ' I I 200 400 800 800 Time(see) Figure 9. Dynamic combing force during shampooing process as a function of time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Mr. S. Onitsuka of Kao Corporation Research Laboratory for many useful discussions and comments. REFERENCES (1) K. Yahagi, N. Hoshino, and H. Hirota, Solution behaviour of new cationic surfactants derived from Guerbet alcohols and their use in hair conditioners. Intern. J. Cosmet. Sci., 13, 221-234 (1991). (2) Y. Suzuki and K. Yahagi, Dynamic and qualitative evaluation of combing force on human hair, The 31th SCCJ Sdentific Meeting, Tokyo, 1991, Preprints, pp. 1-6. (3) M. L. Garcia and J. Diaz, Combability measurements on human hair, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. 27, 379-398 (1976). (4) P. A. Winsor, Binary and multicomponent solutions of amphiphilic compounds. Solubilization and the formation, structure, and theoretical significance of liquid crystalline solutions. Chem. Rev., 68, 1-40 (1968). (5) S. R. Wendel and A. J. Disapio, Organofunctional silicones for personal care applications. Cosmet. Toiletr. 98, 103-106 (1983). (6) J. A. Swift and B. Bews, The chemistry of human hair cuticle. Part 3. The isolation and amino acid analysis of various subfractions of the cuticle obtained by pronase and trypsin digestion, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. 27, 289-300 (1976).
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