J. Cosmet. Sci., 61, 485 (November/December 2010) 485 Erratum J. Cosmet. Sci., 61, 125–132 (March/April 2010) Direct inhibition of elastase and matrixmetalloproteinases and stimulation of biosynthesis of fi brillar collagens, elastin, and fi brillins by xanthohumol NEENA PHILIPS, MATHEW SAMUEL, ROSEMARIE ARENA, YU-JUN CHEN, JENNIFER CONTE, PRASHANTHI NATARAJAN, GERHARD HAAS, and SALVADOR GONZALEZ, School of Natural Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ (N.P., M.S., R.A., Y.-J.C., J.C., P.N., G.H.), Industrial Cantabria Farmaceutica, S.A, Madrid, Spain (S.G.), and Dermatology Service, Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, New York (S.G.). Please note that the name of one of the authors of the above-cited article was spelled incorrectly in the article and in the issue’s table of contents. The correct spelling is: PRASHANTHI NATARAJAN.
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