SUBJECT INDEX 505 UV absorption and anthocyanins, 333 by sweet potato extract, 333 UVA testing method COLIPA, 330 UVB radiation in skin aging, 484 UV-light effects on skin matrix proteins, 413 Waglerin and skin wrinkles, 70 Washing detergents alternatives to, 173 Water wave stability of hair, 1 Waxes polyglyceryl esters, 388 Wild Plum as optical brightener, 279 Wool lipids ceramides in , 235 as moisturizer, 235 Wrinkles and breadfruit extract, 311 and copper oxide, 264 and ethnic differences, 166 and oral nutriceutical, 264 and Platycarya strobilacea extract, 211 and snake venom, 70 and waglerin, 70 Xanthohumol in anti-aging, 125 as antioxidant, 125 X-ray microscopy of hair damage, 480 Zinc oxide and diaper dermatitis, 166 in nano technology, 58 particle size of, 58 skin penetration by, 50 in sunscreen, 50, 58
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