Rejection of Papers Submitted: Papers not prepared in accordance with these directions or deemed to be outside the scope of articles published in the JOURNAL will be returned to the author by the Editor. After the paper has been reviewed by the editor and reviewers, the senior author will be sent any comments that need to be addressed. If necessary, the senior author must submit a revised paper which will be reviewed by the Editor prior to being approved for publication. If the revised paper is still not acceptable, the Editor may reject for publication. Page Proofs: After an author's paper is accepted and before final publication, page proofs will be emailed to the senior author for careful review and correction. Proofs should be verified against the paper and any alterations annotated in the PDF. The Publication Committee does not accept this responsibility. Alterations in an article after it has been typeset will be made at the author's expense, and the author will be billed for such changes. Corrected page proofs must be returned within 10 days to the Journal office. Offprints and Reprints: The senior author of each paper will automatically receive a PDF copy of the final version of their manuscript on the issue’s publication date. The author will also receive 2 months complimentary access to the Journal of Cosmetic Science recent issues online. Charges: There are no page charges. Any material set into type but ordered deleted from publication at the page proof stage must also be paid for by the author. These charges will be invoiced to the senior author at the time of publication.
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