EVALUATION OF ANTIPERSPIRANT ACTIVIT5 • 767 3. The new method has demonstrated a means of eliminating this error in order to obtain more accurate information about the effect of antiperspirants on human subjects. 4. The method produces results about as rapidly as the subject in test can generate perspiration. (Received May 10, 1966) REFERENCES (1) Daley, E. W., Antiperspirant testing: A comparison of two methods, Proc. Sci. Sect. Toilet Goods Assoc., 30, 1 (December, 1958). (2) Brun, R.. Studies on perspiration, J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists, 10, 70 (March, 1959). (3) Takahashi, T., and Wada, M., The permanent recording of sweat by plastic impression. J. Invest. Dermatol., 38, 197 (1962). (4) Kilmer, F. S., Reller, H. H., and Snyder, F. H., The antiperspirant action of topically applied anticholinergics, J. Invest. Dermatol., 43,363 (November, 1964). (5) Fredell, W. G., and Read, R. R., Antiperspirants and axillary method of determining effectiveness, Proc. Sci. Sect. Toilet Goods Assoc., 15, 23 (May, 1951). (6) O'Malley, W. J., and Christian, J. E., An evaluation of the ability of compounds to reduce perspiration flow, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Scio Ed., 49,402 (June, 1960). (7) Jenkins, J. W.. Quellette, P. A., Healy, D. J., and Della Lana, C., A technique for per- spiration measurement, Proc. Sci. Sect. Toilet Goods Assoc., 42, 12 (December, 1964). (8) O'Malley, W. J., and Christian, J. E., The design of a continuous recording in vivo method of measuring sensible perspiration over a limited area, J. Am. 2Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 49,398 (June, 1960). (9) Custance, A. C., Cycling of sweat gland activity recorded by a new technique, J. AppL Physiol., 17, 741 (1962). (10) Jacobi, O.K., Does insensible perspiration exist independent of the activity of the sweat gland, Am. 2Perruiner, 78, 23 (August, 1963). (11) Thiele, F. A. J., and Schutter, K., Moisture meters for measuring the water balance of human skin, 2Proc. Sci. Sect. Toilet Goods Assoc., 40, 20 (December, 1963)• (12) Van Gasselt, H. R. M., and Vierhout, R. R., Registration of insensible perspiration of small quantities of sweat, Nether. Soc. Dermatol., 127, 255 (1963). (13) Bullard, R. W., Continuous recording of sweating rate by resistance hygrometry, J. Appl. Physiol., 17, 735 (1962). (14) Bernard, G. I., and Maibach, H. I., Effect of systemically administered epinephrine on palmar sweating, Arch. Dermatol., 92, 192 (1965). (15) Randal, W. C., and Kimara, K. K., Pharmacology of sweating, 2Pharm. Reviews. 7, 3 (Septe•nber, 1955).
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