AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME XVII Abbott, D. C., see Thomson, J. Anderson, J. V., see Lange, W. E. Bannan, E. A., see Kooistra, J. A. Baruffini, A., see Gialdi, F. Baxter, B. H., see Puttnam, N. A. Bohac, S., see Root, M. J. Bond, E. M., Employment contracts, 93 Borselli, V. F., see Vinson, L. J. Brook, R. J., and Joyner, B. D., Analysis of aerosol propellants, 401 Brown, M. R. W., Turbidimetric method for the rapid evaluation of antimicrobial agents--Inactivation of preservatives by nonionic agents, 185 Caccialanza, P., see Gialdi, F. Cahn, M. M., Photosensitivity, 81 Carrie, C., and Kuhl, M., On the action of detergents on skin with consideration of contact materials, 247 Carter, R. O., see Kooistra, J. A. Conrad, L. I., Maso, H. F., and DeRagon, S. A., Surface modifying effects of lano- lin derivatives, 157 Czetsch Lindenwald, H. V., see E1-Khawas, F. Dansizer, C., see Rebenfeld, L. Davidson, H. R., The use of instrumentation in cosmetic color control, 329 DeRagon, S. A., see Conrad, L. I. E1-Khawas, F., Tawashi, R., and Czetsch Lindenwald, H. V., Water vapor sorp- tion and suction potential of starch grains, 103 Everett, M. A., see Master, K. J. Fang, V. S., see Lange, W. E. Fitch, G. R., Preparative gas chromatog- raphy, 657 Fleming, J., Rapid method for the deter- mination of hydroxyl values, 625 Gialdi, F., Baruffini, A., Ponci, R., and Caccialanza, P., Cosmetic uses of a new synthetic antifungal agent, 575 Godfrey, K. M., Cationic emulsifiers in cos- metics, 17 Ham, G. V., Practical utilization of the photomicrography of cosmetics, 299 Hladik, J., see Pokorny, J. Hodgson, G., Some principles and difficulties of topical treatment in dermatology, 29 James, R. J., A new and realistic electronic approach to the evaluation of antiper- spirant activity, 749 Jewel, p. W., Annual report of the President, 67 Joyer, B. D., see Brook, R. J. 835 Karjala, S. A., Williamson, J. E., and Kar- ler, A., Studies on the substantivity of collagen-derived polypeptides to hu- man hair, 513 Karler, A., see Karjala, S. A. Kass, G. S., see Sorkin, M. Kennon, L., Product stability: Prognosti- cation, placement, parameters--Part I, 135 Kennon, L., Product stability: Prognosti- cation, placement, parameters--Part II, 313 Kligman, A.M., Blind Inan dermatology, 505 Kooistra, J. A., Bannan, E. A., and Carter, R. O., Use of human subjects for prod- uct evaluation: An evaluation of anti- bacterial soap bars, 343 Kramer, R. A., The Seventeenth Medal Award--Sophie Louise Plechner, 71 Kuczera, K., The microscopic appearance of cosmetic preparations, 257 Kuhl, M., see Carrie, C. Lange, W. E., and Anderson, J. C., Cyclic salicylanilides as antibacterial agents, 355 Lange, W. E., and Fang, V. S., Aqueous topical adhesives, II. Spray-on band- age, 115 Lee, S., and Puttnam, N. A., Determination of chlorinated phenols in powdered deodorants, 3 Lee, S., see Puttnam, N. A. Lines, R. W., see Wood, W. M. Mao, i., see Menkart, J. Maso, H. F., see Conrad, L. I. Master, K. J., Sayre, R. M., and Everett, M. A., New evaluation techniques for sunscreens, 581 Menkart, J., Wolfram, L. J., and Mao, I., Caucasian hair, Negro hair, and wool: Similarities and differences, 769 Meyer-Rohn, J., The bacterial flora of skin of healthy and skin diseased humans, 287 Neuwald, F., Rheological studies of new cream bases with the Brookfield Syn- chro-Lectric viscometer, 213 Newcomb, E. A., Lanolin allergy?, 149 Papa, C. M., The action of antiperspirants, 789 Pokorny, J., and Hladik, J., Chromato- graphic separation of components of cosmetic cremes, 703 Ponci, R., see Gialdi, F.
836 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Puttham, N. A., and Baxter, B. H., IR spec- troscopy of aqueous detergent solu- tions, 391 Puttnam, N. A., Baxter, B. H., Lee, S., and Stott, P. L., Application of attenuated total reflectance IR spectroscopy to toilet articles and household products, 2. Quantitative analysis, 9 Puttham, N. A., see Lee, S. Rebenfeld, L., Weigmann, H. D., and Dan- sizer, C., Temperature dependence of the mechanical properties of human hair in relation to structure, 525 Rogers, A. R., Spectral slit width and other sources of error in uv spectrophotom- etry, 641 Root, M. J., and Bohac, S., Hygroscopicity and hardness of hair spray resins at varying humidities, 595 Rowell, N. R., Fluorescent antibody tech- niques in dermatology, 631 Sanders, P. A., Molecular complex forma- tion in aerosol emulsions and foams, 801 Sayre, R. M., see Master, K. J. Scherm, A., Female sex hormones in products for the treatment of skin, 727 Schwarz, G. W. G., Possibilities and limi- tations of shampoo analysis, 737 Scott, G. V., see Waggoner, W. C. Scott Blair, G. W., The subjective assess- ments of the consistency of materials in relation to physical measurements, 45 Shapiro, B., see Sorkin, M. Sharples, A., The relation between structure and properties in plastics used in pack- aging, 415 Sherman, P., Techniques for assessing the rheologieal properties of toiletry and cosmetic products, 439 Sorkin, M., Shapiro, B., and Kass, G. S., The practical evaluation of shampoos, 539 Steiner, W., New investigation of the mech- anism of smell in animals, 713 Stolar, M. E., Evaluation of certain factors influencing oil deposition on skin after immersion in an oil bath, 607 Stott, P. L., see Puttham, N. A. Tawashi, R., see E1-Khawas, F. Thomas, W. G., Jr., Protection of cosmetic colors by means of U.V. absorbers, 553 Thomson, J., and Abbott, D. C., Thin-layer chromatographic techniques in residue analysis, 467 Todd, Lord of Trumpington, The changing face of organic chemistry, 377 Tronnier, H., Problems of dermatological testing of cosmetics, 275 Vinson, L. J., and Borselli, V. F., A guinea pig assay of the photosensitizing poten- tial ooe topical germicides, 123 Waggoner, W. C., and Scott, G. V., Instru- mental method for the determination of hair raspiness, 171 Weigmann, H. D., see Rebenfeld, L. Williamson, J. E., see Karjala, S. A. Wolfram, L. J., see Menkart, J. Wood, W. M., and Lines, R. W., Particle size analysis using Coulter Counters, 197 Zahn, H., Chemical processes during hydro- gen-peroxide bleaching of wool and hu- man hair, 687
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