JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 833 coverage of the subject. Neither of these criteria can be applied to this particular volume. Instead, the orig- inal meaning of the Greek word, en- cyclopedia, i.e., instruction in a broad area of knowledge, describes this vol- ume more precisely. In fact, this en- cyclopedia is an alphabetically ar- ranged textbook of chemistry and chemical technology. The number of entries is limited, but each of them is detailed enough to provide broad coverage of the subject under scru- tiny. This book is not for the novice but requires some background in chemistry. Each entry is carefully explained, and some derivation of equations is given it serves as an in- troduction to the subject and at the same time is an excellent review for those who are already familiar with it. What is particularly noteworthy is the fact that each entry is truly a brief and readable discussion of an im- portant subject. Typical is the three-page entry on foam. There are no separate entries for the Gibbs ad- sorption theorem, the Laplace and Marangoni effects, and antifoams instead, these points are presented in a logical manner and in a clear and concise style, which makes for pleas- urable reading. This reviewer was impressed by the large list of contributors, many of whom are well-known experts in their respective fields. Although it may be presumptious to recommend reading of an encyclopedia from cover to cover, such an activity would be an excellent refresher course in chemis- try. Even occasional browsing through this volume will be reward- ing and finally, this book will serve well as a desk reference. The empha- sis of this encyclopedia is not on de- tails (which can be found readily in the various handbooks of chemistry) but on the broad principles and theo- retical aspects. Therein lies the main value of this book, which can be rec- ommended to all unequivocally.-- M. M. RIEoER--Warner-Lambert Research Institute.
834 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Translations Available English translations of the following papers may be obtained by writ- ing to Mr. Robert A. Kramer, Evans Chemicals, Inc., 250 East Forty- third Street, New York, New York 10017. "Studies of the Phenomenon of Permanent Waving of Human Hair," by Dr. Hans Freytag. "Alteration of Hair Keratin by Cosmetic Processing and Natural Environmental Influences," by Dr. Peter Berth and Dr. Gunter Reese. "New Information about the Morphological Structure of the Hair," by Dr. Rudolf Randebrock. "The Application of the Analytical Methods of Sulfur Chemistry to Permanently Waved Hair," by Prof. Dr.-Ing Helmut Zahn, Dr. Tarsilia Gerthsen, and Dipl.-Chem. Marie-Luise Kehren.
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