BOOK REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME XVI1 Augustine, R. L., Catalytic Hydrogenation, 374 Bassett, J., Inorganic Chemistry, 59 Bell, M., Surface Active Agents, 433 Bennett, H., The Chemical Formulary, Vol- ume XII, 131 Bible, R. H., Interpretation of NMR Spec- tra, 432 Bradstreet, R. B., The Kjeldahl Method for Organic Nitrogen, 240 Browning, E., Toxicity and Metabolism of Industrial Solvents, 571 Bush, H., Histones and Other Nuclear Pro- teins, 57 Campbell, P. N., and Greville, G. D., Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 2, 673 Carriere, G., Lexicon of Detergents, Cos- metics and Toiletries, 624 Chapman, D., The Structure of Lipids, 430 Clark, G. L., and Hawley, G. G., Encyclo- pedia of Chemistry, 2nd Edition, 832 Davidson, J. N., The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids, 235 Ferguson, L. M., Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 677 Florkin, M., and Stotz, E. H., Comprehen- sive Biochemistry, Volume 6, Lipids and Amino Acids and Related Com- pounds, 131 Florkin, M., and Stotz, E. H., Comprehen- sive Biochemistry, Volume 16, Hy- drolytic Reactions Cobamide and Bio- tin Coenzymes, 572 Giddings, J. C., Dynamics of Chromatog- raphy, Part I: Principles and Theory, 623 Giddings, J. C., and Keller, R. A., Advances in Chromatography--Volume I, 573 Harper, N.J., and Simmonds, A. B., Ad- vances in Drug Research, 431 Hilditch, T. P., and Williams, P. N., The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats, 239 Holliday, A. K., and Massey, A. G., In- organic Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Sol- vents, 238 Jarrett, A., Spearman, R. I. C., and Riley, P. A., Dermatology: A Functional Introduction, 669 Jolles, Z. E., Bromine and Its Compounds, 674 Katritzky, A. R., Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 3, 57 Katritzky, A. R., Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 5, 676 Kolthoff, I. M., and Elving, P. J., Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part i, Vol- ume 5, 671 Lloyd, L. E., Techniques for Efficient Re- search, 571 Lyric, A. G., and Short, B. F., Biology of the Skin and Hair Growth, 373 Macek, K., and Hais, I. M., Stationary Phase in Paper and Thin-Layer Chro- matography, 433 Mathieson, D. W., Interpretation of Or- ganic Spectra, 236 Miles, D. C., and Briston, J. H., Polymer Technology, 238 Montagna, W., Aging, 831 Morton, R. A., Biochemistry of Quinoncs, 61 Noltingk, B. E., The Art of Research, 181 Patai, S., The Chemistry of Alkenes, 675 Purkyne University Press, De Structura et Functione Stratorum Epidermis S. D. Barrierrae, 670 Reed, R. I., Applications of Mass Spectrom- etry to Organic Chemistry, 429 Reed, R. I., Mass Spectrometry, 670 Robinson, J. W., Atomic Absorption Spec- troscopy, 831 Stuttgen, G., Die Normale und Patholo- gische Physiologie der Haut, 182 Szymanski, H. A., interpreted Infrared Spectra, Volume I, 434 Van Deenan, L. L. M., Progress in the Chem- istry of Fats and Other Lipids, Volume VIII, Part 1: Phospholipids and Bio- membranes, 61 Waddington, T. C., Non-Aqueous Solvent Systems, 58 839
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