13 New England What a year! Little did we know back in January, when we had our first meeting that we would not see each other for over a year! Our first meeting was January 16, 2020 and unfortunately it was our only meeting in 2020. Jonatan Funtowicz is co-founder and CEO of Skin Actives. With over 15 years’ experience in product development and sales he provided an overview of his company's ingredients, presented new trial results in the area of nail health and growth, and answered questions on their use in anti-aging skin, hair, and nail care products. Jonatan spoke to us about “Evolutionary Actives-An introduction to human bioidentical ingredients for skin and hair”. The golf photos are memories from our 2019 Gold Outing. Hoping to see everyone again in 2021! All my best, Joy Welsh NESCC Chapter Chair New York 2020 - The Year of “Revolutionary Disruptors”. Without question « Revolutionary Disruptors » have defined this year, including: the impact of COVID in beauty/personal care, the pivots many made to home care formulations, trends that have started due to the pandemic or have continued through it, coupled with a dynamic that spread across the world that asked all industries, businesses, and organizations to review their operations and ensure inclusiveness was one of the pillars of engagement both internally and externally. NYSCC was front and center through it all with the offering of nearly 120 hours of EDUCATIONAL/TECHNICAL programming, a LIVE virtual week-long immersion spearheaded by SUPPLIERS’ DAY, and initiatives that answered the call of community, diversity, and acceptance. Over the course of 2020, 17,386 personal care product development executives engaged with our educational programs. These executives represented nearly 4 dozen countries, spanning 5 continents. NYSCC as the largest of the SCC affiliates, continues to expand its reach through industry partnerships and alliances that fit with the core mission of the Society: education and expanding the expertise of cosmetic chemistry. Over 3 dozen strategic alliances with industry associations, publications and “sister” SCC Chapters have allowed us to expand this mission of education and engagement.
14 Here is a breakdown of the 2020 chapter activities & accomplishments: UNMATCHED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING: Chair- Maria Mo, House- Suzanne Dawis/Alexis Piterski, Registration- Alex Blakeman, Communications: Cathy Piterski Social Andrea Gafford, Cosmetiscope- Roger McMullen PhD Scientific Committee: Giorgio Dell’Acqua. “COMMUNITY OUTREACH” FROM THE NYSCC While COVID 19 gripped the nation and the world, NYSCC focused on the region that their chapter serves to see how they could embody “thinking globally, by acting locally” and thus the idea of providing hand sanitizers to front line workers in the NY/NJ region was born. Giorgino Macalino and the Executive Board engaged a contract manufacturer for the hand sanitizers specified requirements and designed the packaging/label. The following organizations received these donations:
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