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ASSESSMENT OF SKIN MOISTURIZATION 621 •:..: :' . ....... '. -. -. _--..::...• _•.... ...• --.:......... :.--•:.:.,:•%".•. ' ..• ...... ..•'•.. .. ...'. .. •.' . . :.• . .'::&•.• ..'... ..(.. : .-.... ,.•,. ::::.. . , .,. .*-• ........ ,-:'."- ... .'• .....,?• :. . .- .: .•: , i'•.::' :.." . ::"• "•'.:.•: .%.•.- . •',. . . . , t:. .... : .:'" :.•. •.":.....•::½:.... •, '½-•,. ß ß ß ' •"i : ::.:::: . :•..•:'. '-.....- ...- .... . •- •. ,.•: . '•c "•' .e .½•:. ,,•'.•..... ..... ............ ...... .. •: .•:.• : . .•. .:.%'• ß . .•.. "-'::'"• .... -...-•'• ...- . : 0['..' .... :-.•. ' ........ .:... ...... --- :. -.. ...... ,...,.... . ... - ...,....½..-.•.::.•.•..•...: ............ ..,•?...,. ...., . '-,-. "-."•.* -' % ',•: .,:' -'::':."• :$.•'--*' '-'•.'-½. -: .." -- '" ' •5" •' '..•..'-•: ' . ' ' : .( ':•.•." ?,•c:'--- •-.--:.•,. ' .:,.??•½¾7:" ':':'• ':•4 : '"':•': .': ..... ..• . '* •'.7•'"' :'...- ":': .... " •' %' •.•' " •"• ........ •' '½"•' ' ..... ........ .•: •'" " '.:d:::. ... ,.."' -'•,. :2• ',.-......• .. .- .'":-•'-' :'• .•:.. . ..:. '½...'...:'"'. 7 "'..:.-- •'.:.-.• •"•••••••'%?•' ":•':•'• .... 'g:- , ...' ': '"•* :"..:'.L •'". .•:': ?•'.'"- ' ' '•½•'••• '••••'•'•'•:*•""" "•?:•: ':' :":"' '.,' ..--.-"'*:•:- .?•i?'-•', ",, :%... Z' '-':'-*-. Figure 9. Higher magnification scanning electron micrographs of skin sites in Fig 8. Each bar represents 55.6 t•rn CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the in vitro techniques of biomechanical, gravimetric and scanning calorimetric analyses provide valuable background information con- cerning the substances and dynamics involved in moisture uptake and reten- tion by stratum corncure. Moreover, in vivo investigations by means o.f tran- spirometry aad particularly low magnification photography and scanning electron microscopy are quite critica.1 in the assessment of benefits derived from any cutaneous moisturizer or treatment. These latter methodologies af- ford a direct assessment of the physical condition of the living skin, and pro.- vide very nearly objective means for evaluating the efficacy of present and new formulations designed to moisturize or relieve dry and chapped skin. ACKNOWLEDGI•ENTS Thanks are given to. Dr. Emil Bernstein and Ms. Eila Kairinen for prepar- ing the scanning electron micrographs, and to. Ms. Mary Sutphin and Barbara [acobik for their assistance in carrying out the other physical studies. (Received June 11, 1975)
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