j. Soc. Cosmet. Chem., 44, 379-381 (November/December 1993) INDEX TO VOLUME 44 SUBJECT INDEX Acceptance criteria, 329 Acid castor fatty, 319 cysteic, 109 hydroxy, 319 lactic, 319 12-Hydroxystearic, 319 Adjusted Ratio Method, 13 Agents, Eucerit-containing, 279 Yrea-containing, 279 Moisturizing, 279 Alkoxylation, 319 Alpha-Keratin, 177 Amino acid, analysis, 347 Analysis, image test, 289 Anionic detergents, 263 Antiperspirant, 13 Antiperspirant Efficacy, 13 Antiperspirant Statistics, 13 Avobenzone, 139 Bacteria, 329 BeermLamberts law, 139 Behavior, fatigue, 347 Bleaching, 163, 347 Cancer, skin, 129 Castor fatty acids, 319 Castor oil, 319 Cationic anionic interactions, 263 surfactants, 263 Ceteareth-20, 337 Cetearyl alcohol, 337 Cetrimonium chloride, 263 Cetyl palmitate, 337 Chloride cetrimonium, 263 stearalkonium chloride, 263 Chlorophyllin copper complex, 235 Chromatography Gas, 101 Cleaning, hair, 221,263 Colloids, structure determination, 337 Complexes insoluble, 263 Conditioners, 263 Conductance, 197 Confocal Microscopy studies of human hair, 1 Cosmetic Treatment, 1 Cream, consistency development, 337 phase separation, 337 stability, 337 Cuticle protection, 163 Cysteic acid, 109 Damage, hair, 163 Detergents, anionic, 263 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 89 Direct Method, 13 Dryness, 89 Dry Skin, 53 D-Squames, 53 Du!ling, hair, 221 D-value, 329 Dye diffusion, 347 Dye staining test, 221 Efficacy testing, preservative, 329 Egg phospholipids, 123 Emoilient, 239 Ester ethoxylates, 319 Ether ethoxylates, 319 Ethoxylation, 319 Eucerit-containing agents, 279 Evaluation, visual, of hair gloss, 299 Fatique, behavior, 347 Fiber surface, 221 Fluorescence, 1, 109 Gas Chromatography, 101 Gloss, criteria, 299 matching booth, 299 measuring of hair gloss, 299 of hair surfaces, 299 visual evaluation of hair gloss, 299 Goniophotometric, measurements, 299 Goniophottmeter, 221,263 379
380 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Grooming, treatments, 347 Group selectivity, 319 Hair, 69, 109, 347 Bleaching, 347 bulk properties of, 347 cleaning, 221,263 damage, 163, 347 dulling, 221 gloss, 299 grooming of, 347 oxidation of, 347 permed, 263,347 primary damage, 347 products, 347 reduction of, 347 secondary damage, 347 shine, 221,263 soiling, 263 structure, 347 surface, 221,263,347 surface measurements, 221 wetability of, 347 Hair gloss, characterization of, 299 measuring of, 299 visual evaluation of, 299 Hairless mice, 129 Half-head tests, 263 Human Hair, 1 Humidity relative, 89 Humectancy, 89 Hygroscopicity and water holding capacity, 279 Hydroxy acids, 319 Image Analysis, 53 test, 289 Indicatrix, measurements of hair strands, 299 Infrared, 109 Insoluble complexes, 263 Keratin 347 surfaces, 263 Kukui, 239 Lactic acid, 319 Lanolin, 181 Laser Scanning, 1 Law Beer--Lambert's, 139 Lead doping, 181 Light scattering, 221,263 Linear regression method, 329 Lipid, crystallization, 89 Model 89 packing, 89 Liposome loading method, 123 stability to suffactant-induced breakage, 123 Liquid crystalline phase, 89 Luminance, 299 Measurements, 1 goniophotometric, 299 hair gloss, 299 hair surface, 221 indicatrix, of hair strands, 299 quantitative shine, 221 shine, 221 surface, 221 Mechanical Properties and swelling, 177 Method, linear regression, 329 Methylene blue, test, 289 Mice, hairless, 129 Microfluorometry, 347 Microorganisms, 329 Microscopy, optical, 89, 337 scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 347 Model lipid, 89 two-phase, 177 Moisturization, 249 Moisturizers, 89 agente, 279 mechanisms, 181, 197 Molds, 329 Mouth, odor, 101 Near infrared 249 spectroscopy, 197 Odor, mouth, 101 1, 6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene (DPH), 123 fluorescence, 123 in liposomes, 123 Oil, castor, 319 Optical microscopy, 89 Organoleptic (Sensory) Rating, 101 Orientation of structures, 177 Ornithine decarboxylase, 129 Particle deposition, 221 Permed hair, 263 Perming, 163,347 Phospholipid egg, 123 purity and liposome properties, 123 soya, 123 Photodamage, 109 Photoprotection, 129 Polymer JR, 221 Polyquaternium 10, 221 Preservative, efficacy testing, 329 Preservation, cosmetic, 329 Protection, cuticle, 163 Protein loss, 163 Quality control, 235 Quantitative Shine measurement, 221 Radiation ultraviolet, 129 Radiotracer studies, 263 Rating Organic (Sensory), 101 Reflectance spectroscopy, 249 Reflection diffuse, 221 specular, 221 Relative humidity, 89 Relaxation stress, 69 Rheology, 337
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