SUBJECT INDEX 381 Scaling disorders, 53 Scanning electron microscopy, 347 Scattering light, 263 Shampoo 263 treatments, 221 Shine, 221 hair, 221,263 measurement, 221 quantitative measurement, 221 Simulator solar, 139 Skin cancer, 129 dry, 197 human, 197 roughness, 289 Sodium deceth sulfate 263 Sodium myristate, 221 Solar simulator, 139 Soya phospholipids, 123 Spectrophotometric assay, 235 Specular reflection, 221 SPF, 139 in vitro, 139 Stability, 239 creams, 337 Storage loop, 101 Stratum corneum, 181 Stearalkonium chloride, 263 Stretching, 1 Stress, relaxation, 69 Stripping, 239 Structures, orientation of, 177 Sulfate sodium deceth, 263 Sunscreens, 109, 139 Suprox, 163 Surface, 1 fiber, 221 hair, 221,263 keratin, 263 Surfactants, 163 cationic, 263 short chain, 263 Swatches wool, 263 Swelling, 1 and mechanical properties, 177 Tandem Scanning reflected light microscope, 1 Test dye staining, 221 evaluation of methods, 289 imageanalysis, 289 mathylene blue, 289 preservative efficacy, 329 Thermal Optical Videomicroscopy, 337 Transpore(R} tape, 139 Treatments, shampoo, 221 Tryptophan, 109 12-Hydroxystearic acid, 319 Two-Phase Model, 177 Ultraviolet radiation, 129 Urea-containing agents, 279 Videomicroscopy, Thermal Optical, 337 Volatile Sulfur Compound (VSC), 101 Volume, 1 Water partitioning, 69 Water--binding in skin, 249 Wettability, of hair, 347 wilhelmy balance, 347 Wilhelmy balance wettability, 347 Winter xerosis, 197 Wooding-Finkelstein Method, 13 Wool swatches, 263 Xerosis, 53 winter, 197 Yeast, 329
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