STUDIES ON ALUMINUM CHLORHYDROXIDE 537 den quergeschnittenen Ausfiihrungsgiingen der Schweigdrilsen zu erkennen. In jiingster Zeit ist gleichfalls berichtet worden, dag keine nachteiligen Effekte auoe Hautgewebe yon Miiusen, Kaninchen und Schweinen beobachtet wurden, das tiiglich mit einer 10- bzw. 25% igen wiigrigen LiSsung von Aluminium- hydroxychlorid behandelt worden ist (3). Unter Ber{icksichtigung der dargelegten Versuchsergebnisse glauben wir sagen zu kiSnnen, dag 15elm bestimmungsgemi/gen Gebrauch des Antiper- spiranswirkstoffes •luminiumhydroxychlorid sowohl als Spray oder in an- derer Darreichungsfoi'm kaum Gefahren fiir das menschliche Atmungs- system und die behandelten Hautstellen zu befiirchten sind. Wit hoffen, reit unseren Untersuchungen einen Beitrag zur Kli/rung der Sicherheitsfrage bei Anwendung yon Aluminiumhydroxychlorid geleistet zu haben und in dieset Hinsicht irrige Meinungen klarzustellen. LITERATUR (1) Grot•, J., und Peter, P., Aerosol report 12, 64 (1973). (2) Sulzberger, M. B., Zak, F. G., Herrmann, F., Arch. Dermatol. Syphilology 60, 404 (1949). (3) Lansdown, A. B. G., Cosmet. and Perfum. 89, Nr. 9, 82, 87 (1974).
J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem., 26, 539-550 (November 1975) Adsorption of Polymer JR on Keratinous Surfaces--PART II E. D. GODDARD, Ph.D., J. A. FAUCHER, Ph.D., R. ]. SCOTT, M. S., and M. E. TURNEY, B.S.* Presented, December 2, 1974, SCC Annual Meeting, New York City Synopsis-Data are presented for the adsorption of POLYMER JR from aqueous solutions on BLEACHED and BROWN HAIR, PIGSKIN, and CALFSKIN. The process of adsorption is characterized by a fast uptake in short periods of time, followed by a continuing pickup, which may take over a week to reach equilibrium. Ads,orption is also greatly influenced by the presence of surfactants, as can be demonstrated by model shampooing experiments. The data are consistent with a mechanism involving penetra- tion of polymer into the hair shaft or inner ]ayers of the stratum comeurn. INTRODUCTION Following the development in these laboratories of Polymer JR, which is a cationic cellulose ether derivative (1), a considerable amount of work has been carried out on the adsorption characteristics of this polymer on various surfaces including the keratinous substrates, hair, and skin. The polymer has gained acceptance as an ingredient in commercial shampoos in view of certain beneficial properties it confers on hair, such as manageability, ease of comb- ing, etc. In order to provide information about such applications, this paper *Union Carbide Corporation, Tarrytown Technical Center, Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591. 539
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