SURVEY OF COSMETICS FOR SEVEN INORGANIC ELEMENTS 141 Table XXVI. Compact Powder Summary (n = 5) Results (mg/kg) As Cd Cr Co Pb Hg Ni Maximum 0.65 0.07 16 14 7.8 0.004 28 Minimum 0.28 NF 1.4 0.82 1.6 NF 3.9 Mean 0.50 0.014 7.6 4.8 4.6 0.0010 12 Median 0.59 NF 4.8 3.0 4.4 NF 9.1 NF: Not found, or less than detection limit TR: Trace, or greater than detection limit, but less than quanti- tation level. Table XXVII. Shaving Cream Summary (n = 5) Results (mg/kg) As Cd Cr Co Pb Hg Ni Maximum 0.15 NF 0.50 NF TR NF 0.13 Minimum NF NF NF NF NF NF NF Mean NF NF 0.21 NF NF NF NF Median NF NF 0.16 NF NF NF NF NF: Not found, or less than detection limit TR: Trace, or greater than detection limit, but less than quanti- tation level. the exception of some analytes that were near or below the estimated LOQ, suggesting good sample homogeneity. SURVEY OF COSMETIC SAMPLES After method performance was found to be acceptable, the method was used to survey the 150 cosmetic samples. Results for individual cosmetic types are presented in Tables V—XVI. Capital letters designate manufacturers and small letters differentiate brands within a manufacturer. Summary tables for each cosmetic type and for all cosmetics are presented in Tables XVII—XXIX. Maximum and minimum results and numbers of samples (n) analyzed are included in the summary tables. Calculations of means and medians were made with values less than the LOD set to zero, but included numerical values for “trace” (TR) lev- els, which are results between the LOD and LOQ. Values shown in parentheses were calculated without three signifi cantly high results for cadmium, cobalt, and nickel that were identifi ed as outliers (see Discussion section). DISCUSSION The elements determined in this study range from less than the respective detection lim- its of each element to 1.7 mg/kg for arsenic in an eye shadow, 0.36 mg/kg for cadmium in an eye shadow, 22,000 mg/kg for chromium in an eye shadow, 13 mg/kg for cobalt in
JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE 142 Table XXVIII. Face Paint Summary (n = 10) Results (mg/kg) As Cd Cr Co Pb Hg Ni Maximum 1.40 0.15 15000 10 4.0 0.0040 24 Minimum TR NF 0.26 0.092 0.24 NF 0.17 Mean 0.42 0.02 1600 1.4 1.0 NF 4.7 Median 0.28 NF 2.7 0.36 0.44 NF 1.3 NF: Not found, or less than detection limit TR: Trace, or greater than detection limit, but less than quanti- tation level. Table XXIX. All Cosmetic Categories Summary Results (mg/kg) As Cd* Cr Co Pb Hg Ni Maximum 1.7 1.20(0.36) 22000 64(14) 14 0.06 1600(42) Minimum NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 95th percentile 0.95 0.067(0.062) 46 7.7(7.2) 6.9 0.010 18(18) Mean 0.33 0.020(0.012) 300 2.2(1.8) 2.1 NF 16(5.5) Median 0.21 NF 3.1 0.91(0.91) 0.85 NF 2.7(2.7) NF: Not found, or less than detection limit TR: Trace, or greater than detection limit, but less than quanti- tation level. *Signifi cantly high values for Cd, Co, and Ni were removed for the calculated values in parentheses. an eye shadow, 14 mg/kg for lead in a blush, 0.060 mg/kg mercury in a mascara, and 42 mg/kg for nickel in an eye shadow. High values for cadmium (1.2 mg/kg), cobalt (64 mg/kg), and nickel (1600 mg/kg) were identifi ed as outliers, as described below. Overall, cosmetic products were found to contain median values of 0.21 mg/kg arsenic, 3.1 mg/kg chromium, 0.91 mg/kg cobalt, 0.85 mg/kg lead, and 2.7 mg/kg nickel. Me- dian values of cadmium and mercury were below the limits of detection of the methods. Median values for each element give a better indication of typical amounts than the mean values because a few samples had results that were very different from the mean values. The most prominent result is the high value for chromium in one eye shadow. Cosmetic products can be divided into those with chromium present at low mg/kg levels as a con- taminant and those with chromium present at percent levels from use of chromium-based pigments as ingredients. “Chromium oxide greens” and “chromium hydroxide greens” are permitted color additives in cosmetics. Eye shadows and face paints contain the high- est levels of chromium (approximately 2%) and blushes contain elevated levels (approxi- mately 0.5%), not surprisingly because green pigments are likely to be used in these products. In other products, chromium content is less than 20 mg/kg. Cobalt and nickel values were found at higher levels in eye shadows, blushes, and com- pact powders than in the other cosmetic types. A t-test comparing the mean cobalt values for the group of data from eye shadows, blushes, and compact powders with the mean for values from the remaining nine cosmetic groups indicated the difference to be statistically
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