SPF TESTING METHODOLOGIES 195 Here in, we report data on 2,503 observations. In the data reported herein, the SPF of P2 (15.6 ± 2.5) decreases by 1.55 units for every 10 mJ/cm2 increase in MED (dashed line in Figure 3). This data suggests that to maximize the SPF value of a sunscreen, one should use subjects with very low MEDs. These data also suggest that people with higher MEDs will have less protection from a sunscreen compared with people with lower MEDs. This negative correlation between unprotected MED and SPF of a sunscreen might ac- count for some of the variability found in data from different sunscreen testing laborato- ries. This correlation also suggests that sunscreen testing should include subjects with a range of unprotected MED values, rather than Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype or ITA°. For example, perhaps not more than three subjects below an unprotected MED of 15 mJ/cm2 and at least three subjects above an unprotected MED of 40 mJ/cm2. The purpose of such a requirement would be identical to the reasons for a variety of Fitzpatrick Skin Photo- type in the 2011 FDA-Final Rule. CONCLU SIONS No cli nically signifi cant difference or statistically signifi cant difference was found be- tween the average SPF of P2 using the 2011 FDA-Final Rule methodology versus that using ISO 24444 methodology at this laboratory. Furthermore, the average SPF of P2 is independent of the type of solar simulator (multiport versus single-port), age of subject, gender of subject, or Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype of subject. The data clearly show a sta- tistically signifi cant negative correlation between a subject’s SPF of P2 and the subject’s unprotected MED. REFERE NCES (1) D e partment of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Sunscreen drug products for over-the-counter human use fi nal monograph, Fed. Regist., 4, 27666–27693 (1999). (2) D e partment of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Sunscreen drug products for over-the-counter human use proposed amendment of fi nal monograph proposed rule, Fed. Regist., 72, 49070–49122 (2007). (3) The Australian/New Zealand Standard™ (1998), Sunscreen Products - Evaluation and classifi cation, (Standard # AS/NZS 2604). (4) COLIPA, International Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Test Method, February 2003 (Joint Confe rence on Harmo- nization, Colipa, JCIA, and CTFA SA). (5) COLIPA, International Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Test Method, May 2006 (Joint Conference on Harmoniza- tion, Colipa, JCIA, CTFA SA and CTFA). (6) Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Labeling and effe c tiveness testing sunscreen drug products for over-the-counter human use, Fed. Regist., 76, 35620–35665 (2011). (7) Cosmetics–Sun Protection Test Methods–In Vivo Determination of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), ISO 24444:2010(E), accessed is November 15, 2010, https://www.iso.org/standard/46523.html. (8) K. Garzarella, M. Caswell, Disparate SPF testing methodologies generate similar SPFs, J. Cosmet. Sci., 64, 297–307 (2013). (9) D. L. Damian, G. M. Halliday, R. S. Barneston, Sun protection factor measurement of suns c reens is dependent on minimal erythemal dose, Br. J. Dermatol, 141, 502–507 (1999). (10) World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki–Ethical Principles for Medical Resear c h Involving Human Subjects, accessed January 27, 2019, www.wma.net/Policy/Current Policies/WMA Declaration of Helsinki–Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. (11) The Belmont Report–Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subject s of Research, 1979, accessed January 27, 2019, www.hhs.gov/OHRP/Reg0075lations&Policy/TheBelmontReport.
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